PIANISTAR: https://www.instagram.com/unist_pianistar/ ※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience an...
Period: 2025 Spring Semester (Mar 3 - Jun 20) Opening Hours Floor Facilities Opening Hours Mi...
The UNIST Library provides access to a huge range of electronic resources (Journals, Databases, etc....
✔️ Open Access Publishing Support : https://library.unist.ac.kr/en/research/oa/
The library is delighted to continue offering YES24 CREMA Club e-book subscriptions in 2025,...
The reference management program ‘Mendeley’ will be converted to a FREE version starting in 2025. Pl...
The library provides the UNIPLEX rental service to provide UNIST members with opportunities to share...
The Library services will be temporarily closed during the holiday. Happy Holiday! Period: Ja...
The Library carries out carpet cleaning to enhence the environment. We apologize for any inconvenien...
Congratulations on your graduation! Here are some notifications about library services for the stude...