
Notice for Expected Graduates

Congratulations on your graduation!

Here are some notifications about library services for the students

who are expected to graduate in February, 2020.



Checking out or renewing library books will not be allowed after Tuesday, Feb. 4th.

Please return all the borrowed materials from the library before the graduation.

If not, issuance of certification will be withheld until return of all the materials.



Library Service for Alumni

Category Available Services Unavailable Services As of
Materials & Facilities
  • Access to the library
  • Use facilities and materials in the library
Check Out library materials

(This includes books, CDs, and DVDs)

  • On-Campus Access to E-Resources(DBs, E-Journals, English E-Books)

※ Korean E-Books are not available

  • Access to the library website
  • Off-Campus Access to E-Resources (Databases, e-journals, e-Books)
  • None
  • Suggest a purchase
  • ILB (Inter Library Borrowing)
  • DDS (Document Delivery Service)



※ Contact Info.: Eunhee Lee (Librarian, 052-217-1404,

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