Research Guides

Research Guides each of which is designed to help you find the most useful resources relevant to your department. It contains useful information and details of recommended resources to support your studies

If you don’t know what to use or where to search to find necessary information for your research, try this guide.

About Business Administration


The General Management area is designed to provide general management education and committed to enhancing knowledge of business and management issues on all major functional areas. Courses covered in General Management include Organizational Behavior, International Business, Marketing, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Financial Management, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Economics, and Data Analysis & Decision Making.

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Research Guide Introduction

‘경영과학’ 전공자들을 위한 학술정보가이드

This research guide covers resources available at UNIST library. This is not a comprehensive research guide but provides selected resources which are the most useful for locating information on Business Administration.

  1. References: 기본 개념을 알기에 가장 좋은 참고자료 (Reference books, Encyclopedias, Online Dictionaries)
  2. Books: UNIST Library에서 이용가능한 도서 (Major Text Books, Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, etc.)
  3. Databases: 논문검색에 유용한 학술데이터베이스 이용 방법 (Useful databases for searching scholarly research articles)
  4. Articles: 경영과학 분야의 대표 논문 (Hot Articles, Professors’s Articles, RSS feeds)
  5. Journals: 경영과학 분야의 영향력 있는 주요 학술지 (JCR Top Journals)
  6. Financial Databases:  Financial 분야 특화 데이터베이스 (Specific databases for the financial)
  7. ThesesUNIST 및 국내외 학위논문 통합검색 사이트(Useful sites for Theses & dissertations)
  8. Writing Tips & Reference Tools: 논문작성에 도움이 되는 다양한 자료 (Useful reference tools)
  9. Statistical Software: 경영과학부에서 이용 가능한 통계 소프트웨어 (List of available statistical software)

School of Business Administration (경영과학부)

UNIST MOT (기술경영전문대학원)

Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management





GSIM (융합경영대학원)

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Management (GSIM)





Research Center(연구센터)


  • Center for International Energy Trading
  • 국제적인 오일허브 구축으로 전문 트레이드 인력양성

비즈니스 애널리틱스 연구센터

  • 빅데이터의 전략적 활용을 통한 국가 산업 경쟁력 강화

혁신 및 기업가 연구센터

  • 과학기술을 기반으로 새로운 가치를 창출하는 주요 메커니즘에 특화된 첨단 연구 수행