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HOME REFERENCES BOOKS DATABASES JOURNALS THESES PATENT New Arrival Books Modern Music-Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Electric Power Systems Modeling, Analysis and PracticeKiani-Moghaddam, Mohammad 아인슈타인은 이렇게 말했다 : 50명의 과학자들이 알려주는 과학의 생각법 Fischer, Ernst Peter (전대호 역) 4차산업 8대혁신 성장동력의 연구 동향과 정책추진 현황 = 스마트시티·자율주행차·드론무인기·스마트건절자동화·제로에너지건축·가상국토공간·스마트물류·지능형철도RIsearch센터 수학 갤러리 = 소수에서 미적분까지, 교양으로 읽는 수학 이야기이희진 인공지능 비즈니스 트렌드 = 인공지능은 어떻게 비즈니스의 미래를 지배하는가 테크니들 전류전쟁 : 테슬라와 에디슨의 불꽃 튀는 세기의 대결 Winchell, Mike (김시내 역) Textbooks & References for This Semester Foundations of analog & digital electronic circuitsAgarwal, Anant Electric circuitsNilsson, James William Intuitive Probability and Random Processes Using MATLAB® Kay, Steven M MicroelectronicsRazavi, Behzad A first course in probabilityRoss, Sheldon M. Concepts of modern physicsBeiser, Arthur Browsing Books To organize and arrange books by their subjects, the UNIST Library uses the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). Here are two useful tools for browsing books by subject. By Classification Numbers Here are classification numbers for Electrical Engineering (EE) QA76.5-QA76.592 Digital computer QC501-766 Electronicity and magnetism TK1-8360 Electrical engineering, Electronics TK9900-9971 Electricity for amateur By Subject Headings The Library of Congress also provides the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Here are some useful subject headings for Electrical Engineering (EE) A Analog-to-digital converters | Artificial Intelligence C Computer storage devices | Computer Networks D Digital subscriber lines E Electrical Engineering | Electrtoluminescent devices F Flat panel displays I Internet of things | Integrated circuits L Light emitting diodes M Millimeter waves | Machine-to-machine communications N Nanostructured materials | Nitrides | Nonvolatile random-access memory O Organic semiconductors S Switching power supplies U Ubiquitous Computing W Wireless communication system eBook Platforms Science & Technology All Subjects Springer eBooks ScienceDirect (Elsevier) CRCnetBASE (CRC Press) Oxford Scholarship Online World Scientific eBooks Wiley Online Library Cambridge Books Online eBrary How to Borrow the book? 1. 신분별 대출 기간 교수: 30책, 60일 (최대 180일) 직원 & 대학원생: 10책, 30일 (최대 90일) 학부생: 5책, 15일 (최대 45일) 교직원배우자: 5책, 15일 (최대 45일) 2. 대출 및 반납 방법 학술정보관 홈페이지에서 자료 검색하여 청구기호 확인 후, 직접 서가에서 자료를 찾아 학생증(또는 교직원증)을 이용하여 1층 및 3층의 자동대출기에서 자료 대출 자동대출기 이용 미숙 혹은 오작동 시 3층 안내데스크에 문의 비밀번호는 본인의 생년월일 6자리(YYMMDD) (※대출처리 후 대출확인증 출력 권장, 홈페이지에서도 로그인 후 확인 가능) 딸림자료(CD, 별책부록 등)의 경우 본 자료를 대출한 후 3층 안내데스크에 문의 (※반납 시 3층 안내데스크 반납 필수) 본인이 대출한 자료를 다른 이용자가 예약하였을 경우 3층 예약도서반납기를 통해서 반납 처리하고 자료는 꼭 왼편 예약도서 수거함에 투입 3. 대출 불가 자료 참고문헌(백과사전, 용어사전, 핸드북 외) – 청구기호에 Ref 표시 기초전공도서(책등에 스티커로 구분) 잡지, 신문 등 연속간행물 (1층에 위치하며 관내 열람만 가능) 학위논문 Can't Find at UNIST? Request (자료구입신청) If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library, please recommend them for purchase to the library. Korean books usually arrive in a week, whereas English books arrive in 2-4 weeks. Can't Find at UNIST? ILB (다른 도서관 책 빌려보기) If you need books not owned by the UNIST Library urgently or only for short period, please request Inter-Library Borrowing service, which is borrowing books from other libraries. Books usually arrive in 2-3 days to UNIST Library and you can use them for 2-3 weeks. Google Books Search It is worthwhile carrying out a search on Google Books to see if a book is available to view online. Amazon Book Search Search for Computers&Technology Search All Weekly Bestseller 교보문고 알라딘 인터파크 YES 24
To organize and arrange books by their subjects, the UNIST Library uses the Library of Congress Classification (LCC).
Here are two useful tools for browsing books by subject.
By Classification Numbers
Here are classification numbers for Electrical Engineering (EE)
Digital computer
Electronicity and magnetism
Electrical engineering, Electronics
Electricity for amateur
By Subject Headings
The Library of Congress also provides the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).
Here are some useful subject headings for Electrical Engineering (EE)
Analog-to-digital converters | Artificial Intelligence
Computer storage devices | Computer Networks
Digital subscriber lines
Electrical Engineering | Electrtoluminescent devices
Flat panel displays
Internet of things | Integrated circuits
Light emitting diodes
Millimeter waves | Machine-to-machine communications
Nanostructured materials | Nitrides | Nonvolatile random-access memory
Organic semiconductors
Switching power supplies
Ubiquitous Computing
Wireless communication system
1. 신분별 대출 기간
2. 대출 및 반납 방법
3. 대출 불가 자료
Request (자료구입신청)
If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library, please recommend them for purchase to the library.
Korean books usually arrive in a week, whereas English books arrive in 2-4 weeks.
ILB (다른 도서관 책 빌려보기)
If you need books not owned by the UNIST Library urgently or only for short period, please request Inter-Library Borrowing service, which is borrowing books from other libraries.
Books usually arrive in 2-3 days to UNIST Library and you can use them for 2-3 weeks.