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  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 채권투자(Fixed Income Securities)

    서병기(Byoung Ki Seo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Bond, Markets, Analysis, and StrategiesFrank J. Fabozzi10thMIT Press2021전자책(e-book)-URL
    Fixed Income SecuritiesVeronesi, Pietro 1stWiley2010전자책(e-book)-URL
    Fixed Income SecuritiesVeronesi, Pietro 1stWiley2010[3F]Basic Science BooksHG4650 V47 2010URL
  • 천체물리 개론(Introductory Astrophysics)

    류동수(Dongsu Ryu)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    The Physics of Astrophysics: Volume I and IIShu, Frank H.1stUniversity Science Books1991[3F]Basic Science BooksQB461 S58 1991URL
  • 초고밀도집적회로설계(VLSI Design)

    이규호(Kyuho Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Integrated Circuit DesignNeil Weste, David Harris4th, GlobalPearson Higher Education2010[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7874 W47 2011URL
    Digital integrated circuits : a design perspectiveRabaey, Jan M., Chandrakasan, Anantha P., Nikolić, Borivoje2ndPrentice Hall2003[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7874.65 R33 2003URL
  • 최신줄기세포공학(Advanced Stem Cell Engineering)

    김정범(Jeong Beom Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Developmental BiologyBarresi, Michael J. F.; Gilbert, Scott F.13thSinauer Associates2023입수 중bookidurl
  • 최신화학공학특론A(화공나노기술)(S.L. in Advanced Chemical Engineering A(Chemical Engineering Nanotechnology))

    이창영(Chang Young Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Nanotechnology for Chemical EngineersSaid Salaheldeen Elnashaie Firoozeh Dana1stSpringer2015전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 최적상태추정: 칼만필터(Optimal State Estimation: Kalman Filter)

    오현동(Hyondong Oh)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Optimal state estimation: Kalman, H infinity, and nonlinear approachesSimon, Dan1stWiley2006[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402.3 S56 2006URL
  • 컴퓨터 비전(Computer Vision)

    백승렬(Seungryul Baek)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Deep LearningCourville, Aaron; Goodfellow, Ian1stMIT Press2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQ325.5 G66 2016URL
  • 컴퓨터공학 스페셜 토픽 III (공간 컴퓨팅)(S.T. in Computer Engineering III (Spatial Computing))

    이재연(Jaeyeon Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities: Theory and Practice for Next-Generation Spatial ComputingPangilinan, Erin, Lukas, Steve, Mohan, Vasanth1stO'Reilly2019전자책(e-book)-URL
    Interfaceless: Conscious Design for Spatial Computing with Generative AI (Design Thinking)Olynick, Diana1stApress L. P2024전자책(e-book)-URL
    Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Usability)Tobias Höllerer and D. Schmalstieg1stAddison-Wesley Professional2016전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 컴퓨터구조(Computer Architecture)

    위성일(Seongil Wi)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Computer Organization and Design MIPS EditionPatterson, David A. and Hennessy, John L.6thMorgan Kuafman2021전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 컴퓨터네트워크(Computer Networks)

    김효일(Hyoil Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Computer networking : a top-down approachKurose, James F., Ross, Keith W.6thPearson2013[3F]Basic Science BooksTK5105.875.I57 K87 2013URL
    Computer networksTanenbaum, Andrew S., Wetherall, David J5th, InternationalPrentice-Hall2011[3F]Basic Science BooksTK5105.5 T36 2011URL

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