Research Guide는 도서관에서 소장하고 있는 다양한 학술 자료 중 학부 또는 학과별로 학습 및 연구 활동에 참고할 수 있는 자료를 소개하고 이용 방법을 안내하는 “온라인 학술자료 가이드”입니다.
HOME REFERENCES BOOKS DATABASES JOURNALS THESES PATENTS TIPS FOR WRITING Introduction 도서는 특정 주제에 대해 보다 체계적이고 포괄적인 정보 제공하며, 각종 지식과 정보, 참고자료가 어떤 것들이 있는지 파악하는 데 있어 유용한 정보원 도서가 출판되기에는 시간이 오래 걸리기 때문에, 최신정보를 얻기에는 적합하지 않을 수 있습니다. Books can be useful because they compile a great deal of information into one publication. However, books can also take a long time to publish, so they are not always the best place to start looking for cutting-edge research on a current issue. On the other hand, books are generally more extensive, in-depth treatments of a topic, so they often have excellent bibliographies and can give a researcher a good sense of the background and context of an issue. Depending on what your topic is and how important it is for you to find timely information about it, books might or might not be the best place to start. Reference: Miller-Cochran, Susan K; Rochelle L Rodrigo. 2014. The Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning: Boston. Location UNIST 학술정보관은 LC분류표를 기준으로 자료를 정리하고 있습니다. 신소재공학 관련 도서의 청구기호는 아래의 표와 같습니다. Books in the library are arranged by Library of Congress Classification(LCC) number. You may browse materials of your field by visiting bookshelves in the library. Call numbers ranges for material science and engineering include: QC 176 Solid state physics / Condensed matter physics QD 380-388 Polymer chemistry QD 965 Crystallography TA 401-409 General materials science TA 410-418 “Special” materials, including composites, nanomaterials. etc. TA 459-489 Metals and alloys TK 7871 Electronic materials TN 600-799 Metallurgy TN 690 Alloy phase diagrams TP 1087-1190 Plastics and polymer engineering What is Call Number? Collection that You Can Not Borrow Available Not Available [1F] Classics in S&T [1F] Comic Books [1F] Faculty Recommended Books [1F] New Arrivals [1F] Story Books [1F] Theme Collections [1F] Ulsan for you [3F Desk] Course Reserves [3F] What to Read? [1F] Magazine Collections [3F] Course Reserves [3F] Basic Science Books [3F] Reference Books [3F] Thesis Faculty Office Course Books & References Surface science : an introduction (Print book)Oura, K. Semiconductor physics and devices : basic principles (Print book) Neamen, Donald A. Physics of Semiconductor Devices (ebook)Sze, S. M. and Ng, Kwok K. Memristors and Memristive Systems (ebook) Magnetism in condensed matterBlundell, Stephen Semiconductor and Metal Nanocrystals (ebook)Klimov, Victor I. Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry (ebook)Klabunde, Kenneth J. and Richards, Ryan M. Nanochemistry : A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials (Print book)Ozin, Geoffrey A. and Arsenault, A. Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (ebook)Cai, Wenshan and Shalaev, Vladimir Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications (ebook)Maier, Stefan A. Tutorials in Metamaterials (ebook)Noginov, Mikhail A. and Podolskiy, Viktor A. Search & Browse: Books New Arrivals Favorite Books Faculty’s Choice Librarian’s Choice 책 이용 FAQ 책 이용 처음부터 끝까지! 대출기간 연장하기: 도서관 웹사이트 로그인 > 나의 도서관 이용 현황(My Account) 보고 싶은 책이 대출 중일 땐? 도서 예약 1. 도서관 웹사이트 로그인 > REQEUST OPTIONS : ‘Reserve’ 클릭 2. 예약도서 대출 방법: 알림 메시지 수신 후 학술정보관 3층 인포메이션 데스크 방문 – 예약기간(당일 포함 3일) 이내에 방문하지 않았을 경우, 차 순위 예약자에게 우선 순위 넘어감 이용하고 있는 도서를 다른 사람이 예약했을 경우 대출 기간 연장 불가 보다 자세한 책 이용법을 알고 싶다면? 책 이용 교육 자료 Can't Find at UNIST? SUGGEST A PURCHASE If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library, please make requests on the library website. REQUEST ILB SEVICES If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library URGENTLY or only for short period, please request Inter-Library Borrowing service,borrowing books from other university libraries. UNIST Library Library #302 052-217-1417
도서는 특정 주제에 대해 보다 체계적이고 포괄적인 정보 제공하며, 각종 지식과 정보, 참고자료가 어떤 것들이 있는지 파악하는 데 있어 유용한 정보원 도서가 출판되기에는 시간이 오래 걸리기 때문에, 최신정보를 얻기에는 적합하지 않을 수 있습니다.
Books can be useful because they compile a great deal of information into one publication. However, books can also take a long time to publish, so they are not always the best place to start looking for cutting-edge research on a current issue.
On the other hand, books are generally more extensive, in-depth treatments of a topic, so they often have excellent bibliographies and can give a researcher a good sense of the background and context of an issue.
Depending on what your topic is and how important it is for you to find timely information about it, books might or might not be the best place to start.
UNIST 학술정보관은 LC분류표를 기준으로 자료를 정리하고 있습니다. 신소재공학 관련 도서의 청구기호는 아래의 표와 같습니다.
Books in the library are arranged by Library of Congress Classification(LCC) number. You may browse materials of your field by visiting bookshelves in the library.
Call numbers ranges for material science and engineering include:
[1F] Comic Books
[1F] Faculty Recommended Books
[1F] New Arrivals
[1F] Story Books
[1F] Theme Collections
[1F] Ulsan for you
[3F Desk] Course Reserves
[3F] What to Read?
[3F] Course Reserves
[3F] Basic Science Books
[3F] Reference Books
[3F] Thesis
Faculty Office
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If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library, please make requests on the library website.
If you need books NOT OWNED by the UNIST Library URGENTLY or only for short period, please request Inter-Library Borrowing service,borrowing books from other university libraries.