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HOME REFERENCE BOOKS DATABASES JOURNALS FINANCIAL DBs ARTICLES THESES WRITING TIPS STATISTICAL SOFTWARE Handbooks [Print Book] The Oxford handbook of business historyJones, Geoffrey The service innovation handbookKimbell, Lucy Handbook of sustainability managementMadu, Christian N The Oxford handbook of critical management studiesAlvesson, Mats 하버드 경영 사례 핸드북Ellet, William Growing your business : a handbook for ambitious owner-managersBurke, Gerard Handbook of organizational creativityMumford, Michael D Handbook of business practices and growth in emerging marketsSingh, Satyendra Handbook on Business Information SystemsGunasekaran, Angappa The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibilityCrane, Andrew 비즈니스모델의 탄생 : 상상과 혁신, 가능성이 폭발하는 신개념 비즈니스 발상법Osterwalder, Alexander Handbook of supply chain managementAyers, James B Handbooks [Print Book] Handbook of the economics of financeConstantinides, George M The handbook of convertible bonds : pricing, strategies and risk management Spiegeleer, Jan de. Schoutens, Wim Handbook of financial markets : dynamics and evolutionHens, Thorsten Handbook of financial intermediation and bankingThakor, Anjan V Governance, risk, and compliance handbook : technology, finance, environmental, and international guidance and best practicesarantino, Anthony Handbook of corporate finance : empirical corporate financeEckbo, B. Espen Handbooks [E-Book] Handbook of big data technologies Albert Y. ZomayaSherif Sakr World Business Cultures : A HandbookTomalin, Barry Handbook of Organizational Performance: Behavior Analysis & ManagementRedmon, William K. The Oxford Handbook of Business Groups Lincoln, James R. The Handbook of Service InnovationRenu Agarwal Cambridge Marketing Handbooks [Series] Cambridge Handbooks [E-Book] The Handbook of International Trade and FinanceGrath, Anders Handbook of Computational FinanceJin-Chuan Duan Finance Director’s HandbookMorris, Glynis D Handbook of Consumer Finance ResearchJing Jian Xiao Handbook of Empirical Corporate FinanceB. Espen Eckbo Handbook of Heavy Tailed Distributions in FinanceS.T Rachev AMA(American Management Association) Handbooks [E-Book] AMA management handbookHampton, John J. The AMA handbook of project managementDinsmore, Paul C. The AMA Handbook of LeadershipGoldsmith, Marshall The AMA Handbook of Public Relations Dilenschneider, Robert L. The AMA Handbook of Business DocumentsWilson, K. The AMA Handbook of Business Letters Seglin, Jeffrey L Dictionaries The AMA dictionary of business and management Kurian, George Thomas Cambridge business English dictionary Cambridge University Press The Advanced Dictionary of MarketingDacko, Scott G. The Concise Dictionary of Business ManagementStatt, David A. 비즈니스 인사이트 용어사전한국전략경영학회 글로벌 비즈니스 사전김영래 Britannica Encyclopedia Online Academic Edition (브리태니커 백과사전 온라인 데이터베이스) Go to ‘Britannica Academic [Eng]’ 한국브리태니커온라인 바로가기 영어로 쓰인 백과사전 중 가장 오래된 백과사전인 브리태니커 세계 대백과사전 온라인 데이터베이스 (영문판 구독) 브리태니커 아카데믹 매뉴얼 2019(한글) The foundation of Britannica Online is the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the largest, most authoritative encyclopedia in the world. Besides topical articles, it includes maps, photos, illustrations, videos, multimedia clips, and yearbooks from 1993 onward. It also includes easy access to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus. Some very cool features of Britannica Online are the interactive time lines on a range of topics, from architecture to women’s history, as well as side-by-side country comparisons. Additional research tools are the World Data Analyst, a World Atlas, Notable Quotations, and Gateway to the Classics. Wiley eMRWs (Major Reference Works) Handbook of Finance The Definitive Resource for the Demanding Field of Finance The Handbook of Finance is a comprehensive 3-Volume Set that covers both established and cutting-edge theories and developments in finance and investing. Volume 1: Financial Markets and Instruments Volume 2: Investment Management and Financial Management Volume 3: Valuation, Financial Modeling, and Quantitative Tool Gale Virtual Reference Library(GVRL) Gale에서 출판하는 참고도서 데이터베이스 Gale 출판사에서 출간되는 다양한 학술자료 가운데 전 세계적으로 가장 많이 보급되고 이용되고 있는 전 주제분야 참고서적 eBook 제공 데이터베이스로 인문/사회/기초과학/의약 분야에 이르는 학술 전 분야의 최고의 Reference eBook 약 4,580종 수록 Collection of full-text encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources. What is References(참고자료)? 특정 주제 분야 혹은 개념에 관하여 단시간 내에 요약된 정보를 얻고자 할 때 유용한 자료 (References are designed to help you find specific types of information quickly.) overviews of subjects to help you find a topic background information and key facts definitions of important words or concepts suggestions for more sources Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Handbook, etc. Search – Library Website Location – Book shelf in 3F or Reference Book Shelf [Ref Books Location] In front of the information desk (학술정보관 3층 인포데스크 앞) * 대출불가능 (in the library use only) Glossaries 기획재정부 시사경제용어 매경용어사전 한경 경제용어사전 한국조세재정연구원 용어사전 KRX(한국거래소) ETF 용어사전 금융위원회 금융용어사전 국제금융센터 국제금융 용어사전 하나금융경영연구소 금융 용어사전
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브리태니커 아카데믹 매뉴얼 2019(한글)
The foundation of Britannica Online is the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the largest, most authoritative encyclopedia in the world. Besides topical articles, it includes maps, photos, illustrations, videos, multimedia clips, and yearbooks from 1993 onward. It also includes easy access to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus. Some very cool features of Britannica Online are the interactive time lines on a range of topics, from architecture to women’s history, as well as side-by-side country comparisons. Additional research tools are the World Data Analyst, a World Atlas, Notable Quotations, and Gateway to the Classics.
The Definitive Resource for the Demanding Field of Finance
The Handbook of Finance is a comprehensive 3-Volume Set that covers both established and cutting-edge theories and developments in finance and investing.
Gale에서 출판하는 참고도서 데이터베이스
Gale 출판사에서 출간되는 다양한 학술자료 가운데 전 세계적으로 가장 많이 보급되고 이용되고 있는 전 주제분야 참고서적 eBook 제공 데이터베이스로 인문/사회/기초과학/의약 분야에 이르는 학술 전 분야의 최고의 Reference eBook 약 4,580종 수록
Collection of full-text encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources.
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