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강의지정자료는 강의지정자료 서가(3층 인포데스크 앞)에 비치되어 짧은 시간동안 다수의 수강생이 이용할 수 있습니다.

  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 디지털 로직 및 실험(Digital Logic and Laboratory)

    박희천(Heechun Park)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Digital design : with an introduction to the verilog HDL, VHDL, and system VerilogMano, M. Morris, Ciletti, Michael D.6thPearson2018[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7888.3 M36 2018URL
  • 딥 러닝(Deep Learning)

    김주연(Jooyeon Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)Murphy, Kevin P.1stThe MIT Press2012전자책(e-book)-URL
    Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)Goodfellow, Ian; Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron1stThe MIT Press2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQ325.5 G66 2016URL
  • 딥러닝 원론(Principles of Deep Learning)

    김주연(Jooyeon Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)Goodfellow, Ian; Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron1stThe MIT Press2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQ325.5 G66 2016URL
    Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)Murphy, Kevin P.1stThe MIT Press2012전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 로봇공학(Intro to Robotics)

    강상훈(Sang Hoon Kang)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and ControlCraig, John J.4thPearson2018[3F]Course ReservesTJ211 C73 2018URL
  • 리스크관리(Risk Management)

    장현진(Hyun Jin Jang)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Value at Risk : The New Benchmark for Managing Financial RiskJorion, Philippe3rd, InternationalMcGraw-Hill Education2007[3F]Basic Science BooksHG6024.3 J67 2007URL
    Risk Management and Financial InstitutionsHull, John C.6thWiley2023전자책(e-book)-URL
    Risk Management and Financial InstitutionsHull, John C.5thWiley2018전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 머신러닝 해석학 원리와 계산(Mathematical Analysis and Computation for Machine Learning)

    김윤호(Yunho Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Elements of Information TheoryCover, Thomas M.; Thomas, Joy A. 2ndWiley2006전자책(e-book)-URL
    Elements of Information TheoryCover, Thomas M.; Thomas, Joy A. 2ndWiley2006[3F]Basic Science BooksQ360 C68 2006URL
    Deep LearningGoodfellow, Ian; Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, AaronIllustratedThe MIT Press2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQ325.5 G66 2016URL
    linear algebra and learning from dataStrang, Gilbert1stWellesley-Cambridge Press2019[3F]Basic Science BooksQA184.2 S77 2019URL
  • 메모리와뉴로모픽소자(Memory and Neuromophic Device)

    정홍식(Hongsik Jeong)

    반도체 소재ㆍ부품 대학원(Grad School of SE)


    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Physics of Semiconductor DevicesSze, S. M., Ng, Kwok Kwok3rdWilley2006전자책(e-book)-URL
    Physics of Semiconductor DevicesSze, S. M., Ng, Kwok Kwok3rdWilley2006[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7871.85 S94 2007URL
    Memristor and Memristive SystemRetzlaff, Ronald1stSpringer2014전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 무기재료분석(Inorganic Materials Analysis)

    오현철(Hyunchul Oh)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Characterization of Porous Solids and Powders: Surface Area, Pore Size and DensityLowell, S. Shields, Joan E; Thomas, Martin A; Thommes, Matthias1stSpringer Netherlands2004전자책(e-book)-URL
    Adsorption by powders and porous solidsRouquerol, F. Rouquerol, J; Sing, K. S. W.; Llewellyn, P. L; Maurin, G2ndAcademic Press2012전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 무기화학 II(Inorganic Chemistry II)

    Jan-Uwe Rohde



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Inorganic ChemistryHousecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G.5thPearson Education Limited2018[3F]Course ReservesQD151.3 H68 2018URL
    Inorganic ChemistryMiessler, Gary L. Fischer, Paul J; Tarr, Donald A5thPearson2014[3F]Course ReservesQD151.3 M54 2014bURL
  • 무기화학Ⅱ(Inorganic ChemistryⅡ)

    이현욱(Hyun-Wook Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Inorganic chemistryMiessler, Gary L. Fischer, Paul J; Tarr, Donald A5thPearson2014[3F]Course ReservesQD151.3 M54 2014bURL
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