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강의지정자료는 강의지정자료 서가(3층 인포데스크 앞)에 비치되어 짧은 시간동안 다수의 수강생이 이용할 수 있습니다.

  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 생정보학(Bioinformatics)

    남덕우(Dougu Nam)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    An Introduction to RW. N. Venables, D. M. Smith4thR Core Team2021전자자원(e-resources)-URL
    Bioinformatics and Functional GenomicsPevsner, Jonathan3rdWiley2015전자책(e-book)-URL
    Bioinformatics and Functional GenomicsPevsner, Jonathan3rdWiley2015[3F]Basic Science BooksQH441.2 P48 2015URL
  • 생화학 II(Biochemistry II)

    이창욱(Changwook Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Biochemistry: Concepts and ConnectionsDean R. ApplingGlobalPearson2016[3F]Basic Science BooksRB112.5 A67 2016URL
    Lehninger Principles of BiochemistryNelson, David L. 7thW. H. Freeman2017[3F]Basic Science BooksQD415 N45 2017URL
  • 생화학 II(Biochemistry II)

    민두영(Duyoung Min)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Lehninger Principles of BiochemistryNelson, David L. 7thW. H. Freeman2017[3F]Basic Science BooksQD415 N45 2017URL
  • 선형대수학(Linear Algebra)

    선해상(Hae-Sang Sun)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Linear AlgebraLang, Serge3rdSpringer1987전자책(e-book)-URL
    Linear AlgebraLang, Serge3rdSpringer1987[3F]Basic Science BooksQA251 L36 1987URL
  • 선형시스템이론(Linear System Theory)

    전정환(Jeong hwan Jeon)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Feedback control of dynamic systemsFranklin, Gene F., Powell, J. David, Emami-Naeini, Abbas8thPearson2020[3F]Course ReservesTJ216 F73 2020URL
    Linear systems theoryHespanha, João P.2ndPrinceton University Press2018[3F]Course ReservesQA402 H47 2018URL
    Feedback control theoryDoyle, John Comstock, Francis, Bruce A., Tannenbaum, AllenDOVERDover2009[3F]Basic Science BooksTJ216 D69 2009URL
    Linear system theory and designChen, Chi-Tsong4thOxford University Press2014[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402 C434 2013URL
    Applied optimal control: optimization, estimation, and controlBryson, Arthur E., Ho, Yu-Chi1stTaylor & Francis1975[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402.3 B79 1981URL
    Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control: Volume 1Bertsekas, Dimitri P.4thAthena Scientific2017[3F]Basic Science BooksT57.83 B47 2017URL
    Optimal control : linear quadratic methodsAnderson, Brian D.O., Moore, John B.DOVERDover2007[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402.3 A53 2007URL
    Linear SystemsThomas Kailath1stPrentice Hall1980[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402 K35 1980URL
    Introduction to Dynamic Systems: Theory, Models, and ApplicationsLuenberger, David G.1stWiley1979[3F]Basic Science BooksQA402 L84 1979URL
  • 소성가공(Net Shape Manufacturing)

    박형욱(Hyung Wook Park)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Metal Forming: Mechanics and MetallurgyHosford, William F., Caddell, Robert M.4thCambridge University Press2011전자책(e-book)-URL
    Metal Forming: Mechanics and MetallurgyHosford, William F., Caddell, Robert M.4thCambridge University Press2011[3F]Basic Science BooksTS213 H67 2011URL
  • 수리물리학(Mathematical Physics)

    김채운(Chae Un Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Mathematical Methods in the Physical SciencesBoas, Mary L.3rdWiley2006[3F]Basic Science BooksQA37.3 B63 2006URL
  • 수소연료전지 기술(Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology)

    임희천(Hee Chun Lim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    신재생에너지와 연료전지김홍건, 나석찬1st학술정보2006[3F]Basic Science BooksTJ808 김95 2006URL
  • 수치해석(Numerical Analysis)

    유춘상(Chun Sang Yoo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    MATLAB : an introduction with applicationsGilat, Amos5thWiley2015전자책(e-book)-URL
    Numerical Methods for Engineering ApplicationFerziger, Joel H.2ndJohn Wiley & Sons1998[3F]Basic Science BooksTA335 F47 1998URL
    Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLABKiusalaas, Jaan2ndCambridge University Press2009전자책(e-book)-URL
    Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLABKiusalaas, Jaan2ndCambridge University Press2009[3F]Basic Science BooksTA345 K58 2010URL
  • 수치해석학(Numerical Analysis)

    정창렬(Chang-Yeol Jung)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Numerical analysisBurden, Richard L., Faires, J. Douglas10thCengage Learning2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQA297 B87 2016URL
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