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  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 유기화학 II(Organic Chemistry II)

    Christopher W Bielawski



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Organic chemistryLeroy G. Wade, Jr. and Jan William Simek10thPearson2023[3F]Basic Science BooksQD251.3 W33 2023URL
    Organic ChemistryDavid Klein4thWiley2022입수 중bookidurl
  • 유럽의 근현대사(History of Modern Europe)

    원태준(Tae Joon Won)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914Evans, R. 1stPenguin2016전자책(e-book)-URL
    The Eighteenth Century: Europe 1688-1815Blanning, T. 1stOxford1994[3F]Basic Science BooksD286 S436 2000URL
    Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700MacCulloch, D.1stPenguin2004[3F]Basic Science BooksBR305.3 M33 2004URL
    The History of the Renaissance worldBauer, Susan Wise1stNorton2013[3F]Basic Science BooksCB361 B38 2013URL
    Civilization: A New History of the Western WorldOsborne, R.1stPegasus2006[3F]Basic Science BooksCB245 O83 2006URL
  • 유전체공학(Dielectric Ceramics: From fundamentals to applications)

    조욱(Wook Jo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    ElectroceramicsA. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert2ndWiley2003전자책(e-book)-URL
  • 유체역학(Fluid Mechanics)

    김주하(Jooha Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Fluid MechanicsFox, McDonald, Pritchard, Mitchell10thWiley2021[3F]Basic Science Books TA357 M58 2020URL
  • 유한요소법특론(Finite Element Method)

    정하영(Hayoung Chung)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Concepts and Applications of Finite Element AnalysisCook, Robert4thWiley2002[3F]Course ReservesTA646 C66 2002URL
    The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element AnalysisHughes, Thomas J. R.1stDover2000[3F]Basic Science BooksTA347.F5 H84 2000URL
    Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and StructuresBelytschko, Ted2ndWiley2014[3F]Basic Science BooksTA347.F5 B45 2014URL
  • 응용물리 실험기법(Experimental Methods in Applied Physics)

    박형렬(Hyeong-Ryeol Park)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Principles of Nano-OpticsLukas Novotny and Bert Hecht2ndCambridge University Press2012전자책(e-book)-URL
    Principles of Nano-OpticsLukas Novotny and Bert Hecht2ndCambridge University Press2012[3F]Basic Science BooksTA418.9.N35 N68 2012URL
  • 응용선형대수(Applied Linear Algebra)

    이정진(Jungjin Lee)

    새내기학부(New Unistars)


    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    A Concise Introduction to Linear AlgebraSchay, Géza1stBirkhauser2012전자책(e-book)-URL
    A Concise Introduction to Linear AlgebraSchay, Géza1stBirkhauser2012[3F]Basic Science BooksQA184.2 S34 2012URL
    Introduction to Linear AlgebraStrang, Gilbert5thWellesley-Cambridge Press2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQA184 S77 2016URL
  • 의료방사선공학(Medical Radiation Engineering)

    이지민(Jimin Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Introduction to Health PhysicsCember, Herman4thMcGrawHill Medical2009[3F]Basic Science BooksR895 C46 2009URL
  • 의학 연구 데이터 분석(Data Analysis in Medical Research)

    임민혁(Min Hyuk Lim)

    의과학대학원(Grad School of HST)


    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    An Introduction to Statistical LearningbookversionSpringer2023전자자원(e-resources)-URL
  • 이산수학(Discrete Mathematics)

    Michael Jon Burrell

    새내기학부(New Unistars)


    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Discrete Mathematics and its ApplicationsRosen, Kenneth H.8th, International studentsMcGraw-Hill2019[3F]Basic Science BooksQA39.3 R67 2019URL
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