
2024학년도 2학기 강의지정자료 목록입니다.

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강의지정자료는 강의지정자료 서가(3층 인포데스크 앞)에 비치되어 짧은 시간동안 다수의 수강생이 이용할 수 있습니다.

  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 재료물리화학Ⅰ: 열역학(Physical Chemistry Ⅰ: Thermodynamics)

    조욱(Wook Jo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Thermodynamics of SolidsSwalin, Richard A.2ndWiley-VCH1972[3F]Basic Science BooksQD937 S93 1972URL
  • 재료상변태(Phase Transformation)

    강석주(Seok Ju Kang)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Phase Transformations in Metals and AlloysPorter, David A. Easterling, K. E.4thRoutledge2000[3F]Basic Science BooksTN690 P67 2022URL
    Phase Transformations in Metals and AlloysPorter, David A. Easterling, K. E.3rdRoutledge2000전자책(e-book)-URL
    Phase Transformations in Metals and AlloysPorter, David A. Easterling, K. E.3rdRoutledge2000[3F]Basic Science BooksTN690 P67 2009URL
  • 재료유기화학(Organic Chemistry for Materials)

    박영석(Young S. Park)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction MechanismsGrossman, Robert B.2ndSpringer New York2003전자책(e-book)-URL
    The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction MechanismsGrossman, Robert B.2ndSpringer New York2003[3F]Basic Science BooksQD502.5 G76 2003URL
  • 재무관리(Financial Management)

    한희은(Hope Hyeun Han)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Fundamentals of Corporate FinanceRoss, Stephen A., Westerfield, Randolph W, Jordan, Bradford D13th, International studentMcGraw-Hill2022[3F]Course ReservesHG4026 R67 2022URL
  • 재무와 회계원론(Principles of Finance & Accounting)

    주정환(Jeong Hwan Joo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    사례와 함께하는 회계원리최종학, 송혁준3판신영사2020[3F]Course ReservesHF5655.K6 최75 2020URL
    관리회계백태영4판신영사2021[3F]Course ReservesHF5657.4 백883 2021URL
    고급재무분석과 기업가치평가김종일1판탐진2023[3F]Basic Science BooksHF5681.B2 김75 2023URL
    기업재무전략박진우2판청람2023[3F]Basic Science BooksHG4026 박78 2023URL
    재무분석과 기업가치 평가최종현1판유원북스2023[3F]Basic Science BooksHG4028.V3 최75 2023URL
  • 재무제표분석(Financial Statement Analysis)

    주정환(Jeong Hwan Joo)

    소속 경영과학부(MGT)


    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Equity valuation and analysis with eValLundholm, Russell James, Sloan, Richard G.6thMcGraw-Hill Irwin2023[3F]Course ReservesHG4028.V3 L86 2023URL
    Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, 4th editionWeygandt, Kimmel, Kieso5thWilley2022[3F]Course ReservesHF5636 W49 2022URL
    Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS edition 5th editionPalepu, Krishna G., Healy, Paul M., Peek, Erik5th, IFRS standardsCengage Learning2020[3F]Course ReservesHF5681.V3 P35 2019URL
    재무회계 with IFRSWeygandt , Kimmel , Kieso (윤현철 역)4판한빛아카데미2022[3F]Basic Science BooksHF5635 W49 2022URL
    Intermediate accounting : IFRS editionKieso, Donald E., Weygandt, Jerry J.4thWiley2020[3F]Basic Science BooksHF5635 K54 2020URL
  • 전기역학II(Electrodynamics II)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Classical ElectrodynamicsJohn David Jackson3rdJohn Wiley & Sons1999[3F]Basic Science BooksQC631 J33 1999URL
  • 전기화학시스템 아키텍처 설계 및 응용(Electrochemical System Design and Applications)

    정경민(Kyeong-Min Jeong)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Linden's Handbook of BatteriesReddy, Thomas B.; Linden, David4thMcGraw-Hill Education2010[3F]Basic Science BooksTK2901 L56 2011URL
    Electrochemical EngineeringFuller, Thomas Francis; Harb, John Naim1stJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.2018전자책(e-book)-URL
    Electrochemical EngineeringFuller, Thomas Francis; Harb, John Naim1stJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.2018[3F]Basic Science BooksTP255 F85 2018URL
    Modern Electrochemistry 1Bockris, J. O'M.; Reddy, Amulya K. N.; Gamboa-Aldeco, Maria2ndPlenum press1998[3F]Basic Science BooksQD553 B63 1998URL
    Modern Electrochemistry 2ABockris, J. O'M.; Reddy, Amulya K. N.; Gamboa-Aldeco, Maria2ndPlenum press1998[3F]Basic Science BooksQD553 B63 1998URL
    Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary BatteriesPark, Jung-Ki1stWiley-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co.2012전자책(e-book)-URL
    Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary BatteriesPark, Jung-Ki1stWiley-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co.2012[3F]Basic Science BooksTK2945.L58 P37 2012URL
    Electrochemical SystemsNewman, John S. Balsara, Nitash P.4thA John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2021[3F]Course ReservesTP255 N49 2021URL
  • 전략경영(Strategy)

    강윤구(Yungu Kang)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Strategic ManagementRothaermel, Frank T.5thMcGraw-Hill2021[3F]Basic Science BooksHD30.28 R668 2021URL
    Strategic management : text & casesDess, Gregory G; McNamara, Gerry; Eisner, Alan B; Lee, Seung-Hyun (Sean); Sauerwald, Steve10thMcGraw-Hill2021[3F]Basic Science BooksHD30.28 S77 2021URL
  • 전력전자공학(Power Electronics)

    정지훈(Jee Hoon Jung)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Power Electronics - A First CourseN. Mohan1stWiley2012[3F]Course ReservesTK7881.15 M64 2012URL
    Power Electronics – Converters, Applications, and DesignMohan, Ned.; Undeland, Tore M.; Robbins, William P.3rdWiley2003[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7881.15 M64 2003URL
    Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion – Circuits, Dynamics, and Control DesignsChoi, Byungcho1stWiley2013전자책(e-book)-URL
    Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion – Circuits, Dynamics, and Control DesignsChoi, Byungcho1stWiley2013[3F]Basic Science BooksTK7872.C8 C436 2013URL
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