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  • 강의

    담당 교수명



  • 수학특강 2(유체방정식)(Topics in Math II(Fluid equations))

    최규동(Kyudong Choi)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Methods of Applied Mathematicsbookversionpublisher2008전자자원(e-resources)-URL
    Introductory functional analysis with applicationsKreyszig, Erwin1stWiley1989[3F]Course ReservesQA320 K74 1989URL
    Real analysisFolland, G. B.2ndWiley1999전자책(e-book)-URL
    Real analysisFolland, G. B.2ndWiley1999[3F]Basic Science BooksQA300 F65 1999URL
  • 스핀트로닉스개론(Introduction to Spintronics)

    이기석(Ki-Suk Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Magnetism and magnetic materialsCoey, J. M. D.1stCambridge University Press2009전자책(e-book)-URL
    Magnetism and magnetic materialsCoey, J. M. D.1stCambridge University Press2009[3F]Basic Science BooksQC753.2 C64 2010URL
  • 시각예술의 이해(Understanding Visual Arts)

    백경미(Kyong-Mi Paek)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    The intelligent eye: Learning to think by looking at artPerkins, David N.1stThe J. Pail Getty Trust1994[3F]Basic Science BooksN7430.5 P47 1994URL
    Ecovention: Current Art to Transform EcologiesSpaid, Sue1stThe Contemporary Arts Center2002[3F]Basic Science BooksN8217.E28 S63 2002URL
    New media in artRush, Michael1stThames & Hudson2005[3F]Basic Science BooksN6494.M78 R87 2011URL
  • 시계열 분석(Time-series Analysis)

    이용재(Yongjae Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Time Series Analysis and Its Applications (with R Examples)Shumway, Robert H., Stoffer, David S.4thSpringer2017전자책(e-book)-URL
    Time Series Analysis and Its Applications (with R Examples)Shumway, Robert H., Stoffer, David S.4thSpringer2017[3F]Basic Science BooksQA280 S58 2017URL
    Time Series Analysis with Applications in RCryer, Jonathan D., Chan, Kung-sik2ndSpringer2008전자책(e-book)-URL
    Time Series Analysis with Applications in RCryer, Jonathan D., Chan, Kung-sik2ndSpringer2008[3F]Course ReservesQA280 C79 2009URL
  • 신경과학 Ⅱ(Neuroscience Ⅱ)

    김재익(Jae Ick Kim)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Neuroscience: exploring the brainBear, Mark F.; Connors, Barry W.; Paradiso, Michael A.4thWolters Kluwer2016[3F]Basic Science BooksQP355.2 B43 2016URL
    Principles of Neural ScienceKandel, Eric R.5thMcGraw-Hill Education2012[3F]Basic Science BooksQP355.2 P75 2013URL
  • 신소재공학특론 I (분자모델링 및 전산모사)(S.T in MSE Ⅰ(Molecular Modeling and Simulation))

    이승걸(Seung Geol Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Essentials of computational chemistryCramer, Christopher J.2ndWiley2004[3F]Basic Science BooksQD455.3.E4 C73 2004URL
    A chemist’s guide to density functional theoryKoch, Wolfram2ndWiley2001전자책(e-book)-URL
    A chemist’s guide to density functional theoryKoch, Wolfram2ndWiley2001[3F]Basic Science BooksQD462.6.D45 K63 2001URL
    Density functional theory: A practical introductionSholl, David S.1stWiley2009전자책(e-book)-URL
    Density functional theory: A practical introductionSholl, David S.1stWiley2009[3F]Basic Science BooksQC20.7.D43 S56 2009URL
    Computer simulation of liquidsM. P. Allen2ndOxford2017전자책(e-book)-URL
    Understanding molecular simulationFrenkel, Daan2ndAcademic Press2002전자책(e-book)-URL
    Understanding molecular simulationFrenkel, Daan2ndAcademic Press2002[3F]Basic Science BooksQD461 F74 2002URL
  • 신소재공학특론 I (전산재료과학특론)(S.T. on MSE Ⅰ (Advanced Computational Materials Science))

    이승걸(Seung Geol Lee)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Understanding molecular simulationDaan Frenkel2ndAcademic Press2002전자책(e-book)-URL
    Understanding molecular simulationDaan Frenkel2ndAcademic Press2002[3F]Basic Science BooksQD461 F74 2002URL
    Computer simulation of liquidsM. P. Allen2ndOxford2017전자책(e-book)-URL
    Density functional theory: A practical introductionSholl, David S.1stWiley2009전자책(e-book)-URL
    Density functional theory: A practical introductionSholl, David S.1stWiley2009[3F]Basic Science BooksQC20.7.D43 S56 2009URL
    Essentials of computational chemistryCramer, Christopher J.2ndWiley2004[3F]Basic Science BooksQD455.3.E4 C73 2004URL
  • 신에너지 변환 및 저장 개론(Introduction to New Energy Conversion an)

    곽원진(Won-Jin Kwak)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    전기화학오승모4th자유아카데미2023[3F]Basic Science BooksQD553 오57 2023URL
  • 신재생에너지공학(Renewable Energy Engineering)

    장지욱(Ji Wook Jang)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Fundamentals of renewable energy processesAldo V. Rosa3rdAcademic Press2012전자책(e-book)-URL
    Fundamentals of renewable energy processesAldo V. Rosa3rdAcademic Press2012[3F]Basic Science BooksTJ163.9 D37 2013URL
  • 신호 및 시스템(Signals and Systems)

    유재준(Jaejun Yoo)



    Title Author Edition Publisher Publication date Location Call Number URL Text-book Reference
    Signals and systems : theory and applicationsUlaby, Fawwaz T., Yagle, Andrew E1stMichigan Publishing2018[3F]Course ReservesTK5102.9 U43 2018URL
    Signals & SystemsOppenheim, Alan V., Willsky, Alan S., Nawab, S. Hamid.2ndPearson2015[3F]Course ReservesQA402 O67 2014URL
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