Congratulations on your graduation! Here are some notifications about library services for the stude...
■ ScienceDirect Book Series 'Methods in Enzymology' (2021-2025) URL: https://www.sciencedirec...
Discover THEME Books about ‘Between Closures and New Beginnings’. “THEME Books” can be borrowed usin...
Discover 『Korean Stories for Global UNISTARS』 at UNIST Library! Explore a collection of Korean novel...
The library is delighted to continue offering YES24 CREMA Club e-book subscriptions in 2025,...
The Library will change the hours of operation for the winter vacation as follows; Period: Sa...
The following event will be held at the Library UNIPLEX. We are sorry for the inconvenience and any...
The reference management program ‘Mendeley’ will be converted to a FREE version starting in 2025. Pl...
※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event. ※ Contact Info.: Kwon, Yule...