This list is the top 20 books in the UNIST library in a month.
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마이크로파 공학 Pozar, David M. (왕초보의 말문을 터주는) 일본어회화 핵심패턴 123 씨앤톡. 교재개발연구회. 흰 : 한강 소설 한강, 1970- 스튜어트 미분적분학 Stewart, James, 1941-2014, 저 How to win friends and influence people Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. 밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝 : 파이썬으로 익히는 딥러닝 이론과 구현 Saito, Koki 이름 없는 독: 미야베 미유키 장편소설 Miyabe, Miyuki, 1960- 저
2021 Unistars’ Favorite Books
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2020 Unistars’ Favorite Books
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2019 Unistars’ Favorite Books
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2018 Unistars’ Favorite Books
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2017 Unistars’ Favorite Books
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2016 Unistars’ Favorite Books
none2016년 대출 Top 150.xlsxXLSX (24.11KB)
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