UNIST piano players, gather together! We are recruiting UNIST members who play piano music at...
PIANISTAR: https://www.instagram.com/unist_pianistar/ ※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and...
※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event. ※ Contact Info.: Library 3F...
Unfortunately, there were many violations of the Library’s study room guidelines by exploiting the v...
Implementation of a Maximum Overdue fine: Notice of Revision ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of...
The Library awaits the works that inspire UNIST members and Ulsan citizens. Please share your brilli...
■ Period: ~ November 15, 2023 ■ How to participate: Click ACS Publications: The Ameri...
■ Register: Link
■ How to Register: Link ※ Please understand that this seminar is held only in Korean.