
Change in Library Study Room Guidelines (Oct. 25-)

Unfortunately, there were many violations of the Library’s study room guidelines by exploiting the vulnerabilities of the reservation system ‘Clicker’.

To solve these problems, the Library will change the study room reservation method and guidelines as like below.


  • Method of Study Room Reservation and Use
    • Test operation: Wed, Oct. 25 – Tue, Oct. 31
    • Effective date: Wed, Nov. 1 –
Previous Reservation completed immediately
  1. Make a reservation on the Clicker system with joint users’ information (Student ID number)
  2. Confirm the reservation
    • Target: All study room users
    • Method: Scan the QR code in front of each study room with the Clicker app
    • Valid time: Reservation start time – 30 min.
      (30 minutes past the hour)

※ Restrictions will be applied to unconfirmed reservations.


  • Restrictions on Study Room Reservation
    • Target: Unconfirmed reservations
    • Restrictions: 1) Reservations will be automatically canceled.
                      2) All study room users cannot reserve a study room for 7 days. (※ Restrictions do not apply to the first violation.)
  • Group Study Room Guidelines
    – Eligible users: Enrolled UNIST students and staff, A group of at least 2 people.
    – Reserve a study room with reservation system (website or Clicker app).
    If anyone who uses someone else’s personal information without permission is subject to restrict its use to library.
    – No food and drink allowed in the study room.

※ Contact Info.: Kown, Yulee (052-217-1405,

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