※ 공지 상세: https://lib.pusan.ac.kr/community/news/?pid=49452 ※ 참가 신청: https://forms.gle/m67R6bv5Gph8YS...
※ All classes will be in Korean. ※ Contact Info.: Kwon, Yulee (Librarian, 052-217-1405, kyl7539@unis...
Discover THEME Books about ‘Spring into a Brighter View’. 'THEME Books' can be borrowed using the se...
Introducing Intensive Meditation Time at Jigwanseoga for Those Stressed by Studies and...
PIANISTAR: https://www.instagram.com/unist_pianistar/ ※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience an...
Period: 2025 Spring Semester (Mar 3 - Jun 20) Opening Hours Floor Facilities Opening Hours Mi...
The library provides the UNIPLEX rental service to provide UNIST members with opportunities to share...