※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event. ※ Contact Info.: Library 3F...
To Register: Click ※ All sessions will be in Korean except for the 'Common Mistakes in Research Wr...
Talk Concert: Thu, Sep 21, 19:00-20:00 @ Library 1F CALIU (The concert will be held in Korean. Free...
?How to participate:
Statista is a leading statistics database with statistics, consu...
※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event.
The Library conducts a ‘Satisfaction Survey’ in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s library...
※ This event is a reading event hosted by '최선당(Choe-seon-dang)', a UNIST staff book club. They will...
The Library announces operating plan for Fall semester 2023 as follows. Period: 2023 Fall Sem...
※ Please understand that this seminar is held only in Korean. For Whom: All UNIST members No...