
New UNIST Theses & Dissertations : Feb. 2023

New theses & dissertations published in February 2023 by UNIST Graduate Schools are now accessible for UNIST members.

Please refer to the following information and contact the librarian if you need any help.


Materials: 290 titles of UNIST Graduate Schools

Graduate Schools Master’s Doctorate Total
Graduate School 160 128 288
Graduate School of Creative Design Engineering 0 1 1
Graduate School of Technology & Innovation Management 0 1 1
Total 160 130 290

※ Some titles are restricted from full-text due to author’s decision (Immediately accessible titles: hard copies-120 titles, electronic files-90 titles, other titles are temporarily restricted from public for a certain period of time)


To access UNIST theses & dissertations (Details: link to the library website)

Hard copies Electronic files
To search for Library website 1. Library website

2. dCollection

3. ScholarWorks@UNIST


Where to get Library 3rd floor ‘Theses/Dissertations Shelves’
To use Only available in the library, not allowed to check-out
Note Some materials will be restricted to view full-text for a restricted period of time based on the author’s decision.



※ Contact Info.: Hwang, Jieun (Librarian, 052-217-1405,

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