The UNIST Library will change the hours of operation for the winter vacation as follows; Peri...
IOP eBook Collectioin 2021, the only e-book published by the Society of Physics, has been newly acqu...
Online submission (Electronic file): Jan. 9, 2023 (Mon) ~ Jan. 11, 2023 (Wed) @ dCollection (http://...
Could the research I'm doing be the first research? Have you ever imagined it? How about imagining t...
The Library announces operating plan for final exam as follows. Opening Hours Period: Nov 28(...
※ Sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event.
To honor the Nobel Laureates, we’ve compiled resources, containing a selection of jour...
If you want to participate in the class, please click this link. Click (※ This class will be held in...
Please try free access to 'SDGO(SDG Online)'. SDGO(SDG Online) Taylor & Francis SDG Onlin...
신청 링크 APPLY : ※ 공연 당일 소음이 발생할 수 있습니다. 소음 발생 및 이용에 불편을 드리는...