
Library Services: 2023 Spring Semester

The Library announces operating plan for 2023 Spring semester as follows.


  1. Opening Hours
    1. Period: From February 25th to June 16th (※Group Study Rooms will be opened on Monday, Feb 27th)
    2. Facilities and Opening Hours
        Opening Hours Individual Study Seats Group Study Rooms
      1st Floor 24 Hours
      2nd Floor 274 seats are available Open(6~12 seats/room)
      3rd Floor 9:00~24:00
      4th Floor Open Open (4 seats/room)
  2. Useful Services for Remote Access Users
    1. Electronic books: E-Books, Audiobooks, E-Magazines&NewspapersLanguage Learning App (Hackers), Book Summary Service (BookZip, Korean)
    2. Access the Library’s electronic resources remotely: Off-Campus Access

※ Guidelines For Using The Study Seats:

  1. To use the PCs and/or the study seats, you must make a reservation in advanced through the ‘Clicker’ mobile app or via the seat assignment kiosk on the 1st Floor of the Library. Only use your assigned seat.
  2. To use the group study rooms, you must make a reservation in advanced through the ‘Clicker’ mobile app or via the Library homepage. Masks are strongly recommended during group study rooms 
  3. The Library will ask users who do not follow these guidelines to leave.


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