According to ‘Gradual Return to Normal Life (With Corona)’, the Library’s opening hours will be exte...
If you want to participate in the class, please click this link. Click (※ This class will be in Kore...
Please try free access to all journals published by SpringerNature. For further information a...
URL: Trial Period: ~ D...
The SAGE Quiz event 'Discover SAGE Journals' will be held until November 30th. SAGE is the wo...
KISS is a journal platform which includes more than 1,900 journals published by Korean societies. UN...
Period: Oct. 14 ~ Nov. 30 Event Prize: Mobile gift voucher (Starbucks coffee) Please solve quizzes a...
Please solve the quizzes about the ACS Publications. (This event will be in Korean.) ACS Publ...
The Library will be open on the weekends and national holidays for the exam period as follows: Pleas...