Congratulations on your graduation! Here are some notifications about library services for the stude...
Please try free access to 'The New England Journal of Medicine'. Trial Period: ~ Janua...
The Library announces operating plan for winter vacation as follows. Opening Hours Period: Un...
Changes: - Due to copyright issues, the online book sites "Books i&i" and "KSi Book" will not be...
The Library’s study rooms on 4th floors are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 disinfection. We...
Online submission (Electronic file): Jan. 10, 2022 (Mon) ~ Jan. 12, 2022 (Wed) @ dCollection (http:/...
How have you been searching for journal information, journal rankings, and master journal lists? Usi...
The Academic Search Ultimate(ASU) Quiz event will be held until December 30th. If you want to...
Session for All UNIST Students and faculties IEEE Xplore user training & Authorship Seminar (Lec...