Please solve the quizzes about the ACS Publications. (This event will be in Korean.) ACS Publ...
The Library will be open on the weekends and national holidays for the exam period as follows: Pleas...
Let’s discuss about the ‘#혐오_주의’ & '선량한 차별주의자'. Book discussion will be conducted online. Date:...
If you want to participate in class, please click the below image. (※ This class will be in Korean.)...
The DBPIA Event will be held by Nuri Media. DBPIA is a journal platform which includes about 1,400 j...
Please try free access to the 6,000 titles of e-books published by Wiley. Trial Period: September 13...
The Library services will be temporarily closed during the holiday. We are sorry for the inconvenien...
New theses & dissertations published in August 2021 by UNIST are now accessible for UNIST member...
Clarivate Korea has prepared online sessions for UNIST members and other users worldwide. Please ref...