
Library Extended Opening Hours & Study Rooms Available (Nov. 9-)

According to ‘Gradual Return to Normal Life (With Corona)’, the Library’s opening hours will be extended. Please keep the guidelines for UNISTARs’ safe study spaces.

  • Facilities and Opening Hours
    • Period: From Nov. 9 until the situation changes
    • Opening Hours
        Opening Hours
      (Borrowing & Returning)
      Study Spaces Group Study Rooms
      Weekdays Weekends
      1F 9:00-24:00 9:00-21:00
      2F 274 seats are available Closed
      4F Closed Open (4 seats/room, 16 rooms are available)

      ※ To reserve study rooms: Library homepage → Library Service → Group Study Room

      ※ Seats will be added to the study spaces by Nov. 12 (Fri).

  • Guidelines For Using Library Facilities:
    1. To enter the Library, you must take a temperature check and wear a mask.
    2. To use the PCs and/or the study seats, you must make a reservation in advanced through the ‘Clicker’ mobile app or via the seat assignment kiosk on the 1st Floor of the Library. Only use your assigned seat and strictly keep your distance from others.
    3. To use the group study rooms, you must make a reservation in advanced through the ‘Clicker’ mobile app or via the Library homepage. Keep wearing a mask during group activities.
    4. Eating or drinking(except water) in the Library is prohibited. Wear a mask in the Library at all times (unless you are drinking water).
    5. The Library will ask users who do not follow these guidelines to leave.

※ Other services are available as mentioned in the previous notice ‘Library Services: Fall Semester.’

※ The limited library service is subject to change.

※ Contact Info.: Library 3F Info-Desk (052-217-1417,

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