
Implementation of a Maximum Overdue fine: Notice of Revision ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of the Library’

Implementation of a Maximum Overdue fine:

Notice of Revision ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of the Library’


In order to inform the members about the revision of the ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of the Library,’ the library would like to announce the following. If you have any opinions, please submit feedback in writing, including your name, department, and position to the following address by Oct 27th, 2023:


Main Contents

– The Maximum Overdue Fine Per Book: 50,000 KRW

– Applied to outstanding overdue fines of 50,000 KRW and more and future overdue fines


※ Contact info.: Eunhee Lee (Librarian,, ☎ 052-217-1406)

학술정보관 운영 및 이용에 관한 지침 개정(안) 전문

학술정보관 운영 및 이용에 관한 지침 개정(안) 의견서 양식