
[2020년 책읽는 울산, 올해의 책] 독후감 온라인 공모전

[2020년 책읽는 울산, 올해의 책] 랜선으로 만나는 올해의 책 작가 릴레이 강연회

※ 울산도서관 홈페이지:

SAGE Quiz Event: Discover SAGE Journals(~10.31)

The SAGE Quiz event 'Discover SAGE Journals' will be held until October 31st.   SAGE is the wor...

[October 2020] New DVD Arrivals

[Oct. 2020] DVD List

[Free Access] E-Magazine: The Magazine (~10.21)

Please try free access to 'The Magazine' which provides over 2,500 species of magazines on PC and mo...

Library Services: Holidays in September & October

The Library services will be temporarily limited during the holidays of September and October. We ar...

KISS Quiz Event(~10.18)

The KISS Quiz event will be held until October 18th.   KISS is a journal platform which include...

Library’s KAKAO Talk Service (@unistlibrary) Discontinued

We are sorry to inform you that the Library’s KAKAO Talk service (@unistlibrary) is no longer availa...

[Free Access] Springer Protocols(~12.31)

Please try free access to 'SpringerProtocols' which is the world’s largest collection of protocols o...

[Free Access] Statista: Global data and statistics platform(~10.1)

Please try free access to ‘Statista’ which provides more than 1 million statistics from over 22,500...

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