
Online Training Sessions for ScienceDirect, Mendeley, and Scholarly Publishing

Elsevier Korea has prepared online sessions for UNIST members and other users worldwide. Please refer to detailed schedule below and remember to register for your sessions.


Contents Date & Time Instructor Register
ScienceDirect ‘ScienceDirect’ is an online platform of Elsevier publisher which contains journal papers, e-books and reference materials in all subject fields. It is a top journal in website in which UNIST members can search for and download scores of papers. In this session, you can get some tips how researchers in the world research  materials and organize them for their research activities. Monday, Nov. 23, 3 – 4 PM Training staff of Elsevier Korea branch (in Korean) Link
Mendeley ‘Mendeley’ is a reference manager program to help you to organize journal papers’ PDFs and generate citations and bibliographies. In this session, you will learn how to collect journal papers in Mendeley and create citations and references automatically in MS Word. Wednesday, Nov. 25, 3 – 4:30 PM Link
Scholarly Publishing Journal Selection and Peer-review Thursday, Nov. 26, 3 – 4:30 PM Link


  • Contact Info.: Library (052-217-1411,
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