
Library Services: Holidays in September & October

The Library services will be temporarily limited during the holidays of September and October. We are sorry for the inconvenience.




※ Library service types by colors

Types Borrowing (3F) Returning (1F)
Ordinary Library follows the same schedule as this fall semester’s “Weekday” schedule. Available
Restricted Library follows same schedule as this fall semester’s “Weekend” schedule. NOT Available Available
Closed Library facilities are closed and borrowing and returning services are unavailable. NOT Available NOT Available


※ Checked-out books’ originally due between Sep. 30 to Oct. 2 will be automatically updated to the next library’s opening date.

※ The Library will open according to the previous notice ‘Library Services: Fall Semester’ from Monday, Oct. 5.

※ Contact info.: Library 3F Info-Desk (052-217-1417,

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