
Notice about Returning Books for Undergraduate Students in Korea (Visit or Delivery)

Please return your borrowed books within the due date.

We will pay for delivery via ePost until August 31st. This delivery is only allowed for Korea domestic shipment.


※ How to return


  1. Visit the Library

– The Self Service Machine on the 1st floor: Mon.-Sun. 09:00-22:00

– The Self Service Machine on the 3rd floor: Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00


  1. Delivery

Pay for delivery service using ePost. Please notice the tracking number to

– If you want use another company’s delivery service, you have to pay the fee.

– Address: 302-Bldg.202 Library, 50 UNIST-gil, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan (44919)

– Tel.: Your cell phone number or 052-217-1417


We will not extend the due date for the books manually.

After due date you will have to pay overdue fines.


※ Contact: Library (052-217-1417,

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