The ‘Institutional Login’ by ID Federation is available for remote access of the Library’s electroni...
[Aug. 2020] DVD List
The Web of Science Group, a Clarivate Analytics company, released the latest Journal C...
SciFinder will be out of service from August 31th so please access ‘SciFinder-n’, the new and upgrad...
We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in the library event. Ple...
The Library is holding a ‘Crossword Puzzle Event.’ Please solve the quizzes about journals and datab...
We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in the library event. Ple...
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, we prepared an online seminar that is useful for writing research...
Please tell us your memorable sentences in a book with reasons. We will reward for selected response...
Nature Cancer, Nature Metabolism, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Sustainability P...