
Limited Services & Temporary Closing Facilities (Mar. 30 - Apr. 5)

The library facilities and services will be temporarily limited due to COVID-19. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Period: Monday, Mar. 30 – Sunday, Apr 5


Available Services
  • Borrowing
Mon. – Fri.
※ Visit the library 1F Info-Desk (Except for lunch time 12:00~13:00)
  • Returning
  • Pick up belongings
Mon. – Sun.
  • Document Delivery Service (Request on the library website)
Unavailable Services
  • Entering library, Using Seats & Study Rooms
Loan Policy for Undergraduate Students
  • Borrowed material due date: Changed to Jun. 30. (Tue)
    ※ Due date of materials borrowed between Mar. 30 – Jun. 15: Jun. 30.
  • You can return library materials before their due date
    – To return: Visit the library or send materials by parcel (delivery) service. (If you use the delivery service, the fee must be paid in advance. The library pays no fees.)
    ※ After Jun. 30, overdue fines shall be applied to overdue materials (100 KRW per material per day)
  • The library will provide copy & delivery service (paid by requester) for undergraduate students beginning Monday, Apr. 6.
Loan Policy for Other Library Members (e.g. Graduate students, Faculty, Staff)
  • Original loan policy will be applied during temporary COVID-19 service period as usual.

※ Materials due on Mar. 30 should be returned by Apr. 6 (final due date will be extended). Overdue fines shall be applied after Apr. 7.

※ Materials that must be returned: Library website → My Account → Loans → Materials status: “Due: 06/04/20, Not Renewable”

※ You can also use delivery service to return materials (The fee must be paid in advance).


※ The limited library services can be adjusted according to changes in the situation.

※ Contact info.: Library 3F Info-Desk (052-217-1417)

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