
eResources Trial: 2019 New launching Nature Journals! (~11.30.)



Please try free access to 4 Nature research & review journals for 3 months – Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Metabolism, Nature Review Physics and Nature Human Behaviour.

‘Trial Period: ~ November 30(Sat), 2019’




1. Nature Machine Intelligence (2019 New) 

Exciting new applications are emerging for intelligent machines and software, with the availability of large datasets, substantial computing power and breakthroughs in algorithms. Nature Machine Intelligence will publish research that underpins artificial intelligence and robotics, exploring how these advances will lead to the next phase of the digital age.




2. Nature Metabolism (2019 New)

Metabolism research is growing, due to the great urgency to learn how metabolic pathways influence diseases with huge societal impact, such as obesity and diabetes. By publishing top research and fostering the cross-pollination of ideas, Nature Metabolism will be essential reading for researchers working across the spectrum of metabolic research.




3. Nature Review Physics (2019 New)

With close to 20,000 papers published in physics each year, review articles provide an essential resource both for young researchers and experienced scientists interested in the latest developments in physics. Nature Reviews Physics is a new online-only journal offering curated, accessible technical reference and other review-type articles essential for advancing science.





4. Nature Human Behaviour

Launched in January 2017, Nature Human Behaviour is an online-only monthly journal dedicated to the best research into human behaviour from across the social and natural sciences. All editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors.



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