Quiz Link: Click To participate the event, you need to create an account using UNIST e-mail address....
Discover "THEME Books" at YES24 Creme Club. This month's theme is "Key consumer trends for 2024."...
※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any noise from the event. ※ Contact Info.: Library 3F...
Intersteps: https://www.instagram.com/inter.steps/ ※ We’re sorry for the inconvenience and an...
Thank you to everyone who applied to be a performer for UNIPLEX Piano Week! For the week of M...
Program Title Contents Schedule Registration Link 알아두면 쓸모 있는 신비한 도서관팁 도서관 소장/구독 자료 검색 및 이용, 유용한 도서관...
The new ScholarWorks@UNIST(UNIST Institutional Repository) has launced on March, 2024. SchoalrWorks@...
UNIST's animal protection group 'Duruduru' is holding its second photo exhibition. This time,...