This is a list of notifications sent by the library about your borrowed materials.
The notification will be sent to the mail and phone number shown in the UNIST portal.
Please read your email regularly. You are responsible for blocks associated with recalled and overdue materials.
※ You can only borrow DVD&CD materials at the Information Desk on 2nd floor.
You may not be able to borrow a book for the following reason.
※ If you cannot borrow a book with the machine, please visit 3F Information Desk.
※ Associated materials should be returned 3F Info desk separately from the original books. (If users lost associated materials, they must compensate.)
※ You don’t have to bring UNIST ID card when you return a book.
If a book in need is borrowed checked out, users can make a reservation to get first when it is returned.
If a user have an overdue item, he(she) cannot reserve other items.
※ Release of Restriction:
– From the day after returning the books (on weekdays if the release date coincides with a weekend or holiday).
-However, the issuance of the certificate is automatically canceled as soon as the book is returned and the overdue fines are paid.
※ Notice of due date will be sent 3 days before&the day of the due date ※ Overdue notification will be sent to you every other day from the due date
* Contact Info.: Library 052-217-1417, 1411/
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