User Guide

Loan Period

Status Book Multimedia
No.of Items Period(day) Renewal No. of Items Period(day)
Undergraduate 5 15 ~ 45 3 4
Graduate 10 30 ~ 90

Access to the Library

  • Students can enter the library and use reading tables.
    ※ You should bring student ID card to enter the library.

Loan Period

Status Book Multimedia
No.of Items Period(day) Renewal(day) No. of Items Period(day)
Faculty 30 60 ~ 300 3 4

Access to the Library

  • Faculty can enter the library and use reading tables.
  • You should bring an UNIST ID card to enter the library.

Loan Period

Status Book Multimedia
No.of Items Period(day) Renewal(day) No. of Items Period(day)
Staff 10 30 90 3 4

Access to the Library

  • Staffs can enter the library and use reading tables.
  • You should bring an UNIST ID card to enter the library.

Loan Policy

Student on a leave of absence and alumni cannot check-out library materials (books, DVDs, etc.)
※ Students enrolled in the internship program or entrepreneurship program can borrow library materials if (s)he requests a library card from the Administrative Office.

Entering the Library and Using study spaces

  • Students on a leave of absence can use library facilities with their UNIST ID card.
  • Alumni are restricted from entering and using library study spaces. If necessary, please request a ‘One Day Pass (temporary library card)’ at the Library’s 1F Info Desk. You can use library materials and facilities as a visitor.


Alumni and students on a leave of absence are restricted from the Library website. Requesting materials, off-campus access and other log-in required services are not available.

UNIST Library welcome visitors whose research requires use of our collections. But library services are not fully available but limited like below. If a visitor has any questions about the services, contact the library.


Category Details
For whom Ulsan citizen, Other university student, Visitor
※ Minors can only enter the library with a guardian)
Hours 09:00 ~ 22:00
Allowed Services Searching or reading materials(book, journal, Web-DB) in the library on the 3rd floor
Limited Services Borrowing materials, Self-studying in the learning commons on the 2nd/4th floor
How to
  1. Visit the library information desk on the 1st floor
  2. Fill out an ‘Application form for library use’
  3. Submit your ID card and get a temporary library card
  4. Return the library card and get your ID card when you leave the library
Additional Questions 052-217-1417
Others During exam period, limited entry to the library: 2 weeks before exam period ~ end of exam period

Campus Parking Fee

Hour Parking Fee
Less than 10 min. Free
10 ~ 30 min. ₩ 1,000
more than 30 min. ₩ 1,000(30 min.) + ₩ 300(per 10 min.)
1 Hour ₩ 1,900(60 min.)
Daily maximum fees ₩ 16,000

※ Small Cars(Less than 1,000CC ): 50% discount

※ Contact: 052-217-6957, 6958

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