Thesis FAQ

  1. How to Pepare Thesis/Dissertation for Graduation (Specification for Thesis Preparation): Refer to the ‘Guide for Thesis/Dissertation Writing’
    • The guide is available on the ‘UNIST Regulations Management System’ or from a notice from the Education Affairs Team.
    • UNIST Regulation Management System: Go to the UNIST Portal → Click the ‘Regulations Management System’ on the bottom of the website → Select: Academic Affairs – Guidelines – Guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation Writing
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1117)
  2. Word or LaTex templates for Thesis/Dissertation
    • Templates are available to download on the notice board for Education Affairs on the UNIST Portal website or library website.
      ※ Library Website → Research Supports → Writing, Submitting, Usage Thesis → Writing Thesis
      ※ Latex template: Templates of ‘Thesis/Dissertation Approval’ and ‘Confirmation of Thesis/Dissertation Approval’ pages are not included.
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1117)
  3. Advisor’s Signature and Date on the Approval Pages
    • Date on the ‘Thesis/Dissertation Approval’ and ‘Confirmation of Thesis/Dissertation Approval’ pages: date of signature
    • If there are two advisors for a Thesis/Dissertations, only one signature of an advisor affiliated to UNIST should be included.
      ※ UNIST graduate school has 1 advisor for 1 student in principle.
      ※ Reference: ‘Guide for Thesis/Dissertation Writing’ Annex 3 ‘Thesis/Dissertation Approval’
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1117)
  4. Electronic File: Signatures of Advisor and Thesis Committee Members
    • When an author prepare an electronic file of his/her Thesis/Dissertation for online submission, it’s not necessary to include signatures of advisor and committee members on the approval pages of the file. This is due because the advisor and committee members should had originally signed approval page of the final hard copies.
    • Therefore, an author does not need to include signatures on the approval pages of the electronic file (e.g. insert scanned pages or images, etc.) for online submission, but all hard copies for submitting to the library and school office must contain advisor and committee members’ approval signatures.
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1117), Library (217-1405)
  5. Hard Copies: Colors and Printing Single-Sided
    • Cover: Black and hard cover. Font color of the front cover: Gold color
    • Printing: If images, figures and graphs of the electronic file are in color, printing should also be in color. In addition, all contents are printed single-sided.
      ※ Reference: ‘Guide for Thesis/Dissertation Writing’ Article 2 (Thesis/Dissertation Writing)
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1117)
  1. Using Previously Published Journal Articles in Thesis/Dissertations
    • “Is it ‘Self Plagiarism’ if I use previously published journal articles in my thesis without citations or references?” (Reference: ‘Research Ethics Q&A (연구윤리 질의응답집)’ published by National Research Foundation of Korea in Nov. 2016, p.91)

    In Korea academia, republishing journal articles or reusing research results for theses/dissertations are not to be judged as duplicate publication or self plagiarism. However, it’s not permitted to ill-judged republishing or reusing without citations. All journal articles or theses/dissertations which include previously published papers should insert citations and express the previous ones in the paper.

    • “Unfair duplicate publication” (Reference: ‘A Guide for Research Ethics (연구윤리 확보를 위한 지침해설서)’ published by National Research Foundation of Korea in Nov. 2015 p. 70-77)

      These are allowable examples of duplicate publication in Korea academia.
      Example ③ Writing a thesis/dissertation by putting previous research results and publications together and cite the sources exactly.

    • Contact Info.: Research Promotion Team (217-1173)
  2. Using Images, Tables or Graphs Which Already Published in Author’s or Others’ Journal Articles for Thesis/Dissertation
    • To avoid plagiarism, authors should express the source of images, tables and graphs in their Thesis/Dissertation.
    • Contact Info.: Research Promotion Team (217-1173)

※ Publisher policies related to Thesis/Dissertation (Updated May 2020, More publisher’s information: Library website → RESEARCH SUPPORTS → Scholarly Publishing → by Publishers)

  • American Chemical Society – Use of Materials form ACS Journals (
    • Requests to use ACS Journals material in a thesis or dissertation must be requested through the RightsLink service.
    • Policy on Theses and Dissertations: Requests to use ACS Journals material in a thesis or dissertation must be requested through the RightsLink service.
  • American Institute of Physics (
    • Authors do not need permission from AIP Publishing to: reuse your own AIP Publishing article in your thesis or dissertation (please format your credit line: “Reproduced from [FULL CITATION], with the permission of AIP Publishing”)
  • Elsevier (
    Q: Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation?
    A: Yes. Authors can include their articles in full or in part in a thesis or dissertation for non-commercial purposes.
    + Additional information from the publisher (
    Personal use: Authors can use their articles, in full or in part, for a wide range of scholarly, non-commercial purposes as outlined below: … Inclusion in a thesis or dissertation (provided that this is not to be published commercially)
  • IEEE (
    • Requesting permission through IEEE: Permission to reuse IEEE content, including use in a thesis or dissertation, must be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service, using IEEE Xplore.
      1. Please locate the content beginning at
      2. Once on the abstract page of the article, please locate the “Request Permission” link in the left navigation panel.
      3. You can also find the copyright symbol directly on the article’s Table of Content.
      4. If you find there are none of these links, you should open the free front pages of the content to determine if there is another rights holder, as this is an indication that IEEE is not the intellectual property rights holder and cannot grant permission for reuse.
      5. If the links are there, please choose one, as this will take you to the permission request page.
    • Can I Reuse My Published Article in My Thesis? (
  • Royal Society of Chemistry (
    – Author reusing their own work published by the Royal Society of Chemistry
    You do not need to request permission to reuse your own figures, diagrams, etc, that were originally published in a Royal Society of Chemistry publication. However, permission should be requested for use of the whole article or chapter except if reusing it in a thesis. If you are including an article or book chapter published by Royal Society of Chemistry in your thesis please ensure that your co-authors are aware of this.
    Reuse of material that was published originally by the Royal Society of Chemistry must be accompanied by the appropriate acknowledgement of the publication. The form of the acknowledgement is dependent on the journal in which it was published originally, as detailed in ‘Acknowledgements’.
  • Springer (
    Author reuse – Please check the Copyright Transfer Statement (CTS) or Licence to Publish (LTP) that you have signed with Springer Nature to find further information about the reuse of your content.Authors have the right to reuse their article’s Version of Record, in whole or in part, in their own thesis. Additionally, they may reproduce and make available their thesis, including Springer Nature content, as required by their awarding academic institution. Authors must properly cite the published article in their thesis according to current citation standards.
    Material from: ‘AUTHOR, TITLE, JOURNAL TITLE, published [YEAR], [publisher – as it appears on our copyright page]’
  • Wiley (
    – Wiley authors: If you are a Wiley author wishing to republish extracts of your own published work, include your article in your thesis or use copies for your internal teaching purposes, please refer to the gratis reuse rights that you retain when you signed your copyright transfer agreement. Alternatively, if you still require a formal permission license please locate you work on Wiley Online Library, click ‘request permission’, select ‘Author of this Wiley work’ and your appropriate reuse rights to download your permissions license.
  • Proofreading Services for Thesis/Dissertation
    • Refer to the ‘SLA Writing Clinic’ on the School of Liberal Arts website.
    • School of Liberal Arts → Writing Clinic (
    • Period & Price
      Turnaround Price
      5,000 words or less 5 business days on average Paid by research fund KRW 40 per word
      More than 5,000 words Dependent on the word count Self-paid KRW 20 per word
    • Contact Info.: SLA Administration Office (217-3683)
  1. The Criterion Appropriate to Pass the Plagiarism Check
    • Similarity index of plagiarism checking solution ‘turn it in’ should be under 20%.
    • If the result is over 20% and it’s not available to make it lower, graduate students should submit a ‘Plagiarism Judgement’ document with their advisor’s opinion and signature to the school office.
    • Form of ‘Plagiarism Judgement”: Refer to a related notice from the Education Affairs Team on the UNIST Portal website.
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1114)
  2. Create an Account of Plagiarism Checking Solution ‘Turnitin’ and Its Guide
    • Create an account: Turnitin ( → Create Account → Create a New Account → Select ‘Student’→ Entering ‘Class ID/Enrollment key’ and user information
    • Class ID/Enrollment key: Library website → Research Supports → Plagiarism Checking (Turnitin)
      ※ To get the information, log in on the library website is required Turnitin
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)
  3. Basic Setting for Plagiarism Checking of Thesis/Dissertation
    • To check similarity of Thesis/Dissertation, please submit the entire Thesis/Dissertation file (from cover page to references page) on the ‘Turnitin’ website.
    • Setting for plagiarism checking
      ① Exclude bibliographies
      ② Exclude quoted materials (“ “)
      ③ Exclude small sources: source exclusion threshold
    • word count 6 words (※ When checking similarity of Thesis/Dissertation, do not change the basic settings)
    • Contact Info.: Education Affairs Team (217-1114), Library (217-1405)
  4. Print Out Similarity Result and Submission
    • To print out the result: Click the similarity index on the ‘Turnitin’ checking result → Download → Select ‘Current View’ (You can download the results as PDF file)
    • What to submit: Print the ‘Similarity Index’ page of the result PDF file (It is on the end of the Thesis/Dissertation)
    • Where to submit: School office
    • ‘Turnitin’ guide: Library website → Research Supports → Plagiarism Checking Turnitin
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)
  1. Submission Process
    • Online submission: dCollection (
    • Hardback submission: library and each school office
    • Guide to Thesis/Dissertation submission: Library website → Research Supports → Writing, Submitting, Usage Thesis →Submitting
    • Thesis submission FAQ: dCollection → FAQ
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)
  2. Thesis/Dissertation Agreement
    • All authors of thesis/dissertation are required to submit a signed ‘Thesis/Dissertation Agreement’ to the library to express their decision on the access to their thesis and agree to the usage condition.
    • Form: Notice board of dCollection website or Library website → Research Supports → Writing, Submitting, Usage Thesis →Submitting
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)
  3. To Change of ‘Access of Thesis/Dissertation’ Option
    • If an author want to change the access options of thesis/dissertation for some reasons, the author can request to the library by submitting a ‘Thesis/Dissertation Agreement [Change Request]’. (Example) Open Access → Conditional Access
    • To get a ‘Thesis/Dissertation Agreement [Change Request]’ form, please contact the UNIST library.
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)
  4. To Revised Thesis/Dissertation After Completing Submission
    • To revise the submitted thesis/dissertation for an appropriate reason, please contact the library first.
    • Contact Info.: Library (217-1405)

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