Research Performance Analysis

Fundamental information and related resources for research performance evaluation and analysis.

In which Journal was the Article Published (Journal Level)

  • Categories of Journals
    • SCI Journals, Scopus Journals, KCI Journals
      Categories Scopus Search for listed journals
      SCI Journals(SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI) Journals indexed in SCIE, SSCI and A&HCI databases Clarivate Analytics Master Journals List
      Scopus Journals Journals indexed in Scopus database Scopus Source
      KCI Journals Korean journals indexed in Korea Citation Index (KCI) database Korea Citation Index
  • Journal Indicators Based on the Citation Data to Evaluate and Compare Journals
    • Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score, CiteScore, SJR
      Journal indicators Overview Resource DB Search for journal indicators
      Journal Impact Factor Average citations to the journal in the current year to documents published in the previous two years. SCIE/SSCI
      (Web of Science)
      Journal Citation Reports
      Eigenfactor Score The number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in a year (It considers contribution of journals in citation network and removes journal self-citation)
      CiteScore Average citations to the journal in the current year to documents published in the last four years Scopus Scopus
      SJR Average number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the documents published in the selected journal in the past three years Scimago Journal & Country Rank

How Many Times an Article is Cited by Other Research Results? (Citation Count, Article Level)

  • Times Cited (Citations)
    • Number of times that an article has been cited by other articles in the database
  • Databases for Checking Citations
Databases Overview
Web of Science Citations among articles in about 9,500 titles of journals in Science, Technology, and Medicine
Scopus Citations among articles in about 25,000 titles of journals, book series, and conference proceedings in all subject areas
Google Scholar Citations among articles indexed in Google Scholar

How About the Research Impact of a Particular Researcher (h-index, Researcher Level)

  • h-Index
    • Impact indicator of a particular researcher based on the citations of his/her published articles. h is the number of articles greater than h that have at least h citations. (For example, an h-index of 20 means that there are 20 items that have 20 citations or more.)
  • To Calculate h-index
    • Organize articles in descending order, based on the number of times they have been cited. And then, look for the rank of the article which are same with or lower than the number of citations. (rank of article ≤ the number of citations)
  • Websites for Calculating h-index
    • ※ An individual’s h-index may be very different in different databases. This is due to the database index having various journals and they cover various years.)
Web of Science Researcher identifier provided by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)
It calculates h-index based on the Web of Science database
Scopus Author Profile provided by the Scopus contains h-index of each author
It calculates h-index based on each Author ID or publications in the Scopus
Google Scholar Profile Research profile service provided in Google Scholar
It calculates h-index based on the publications and their citations in Google Scholar

Research Performance Analysis Solution: SciVal

  • SciVal (
    • A research performance analysis solution based on the Scopus database. It provides variety of metrics
  • To access
    • or Library website → E-RESOURCES → Databases·E-journals → Databases → SciVal (available off-campus access to Scival by your elsevier account)
  • To create account
    • Use your UNIST e-mail address for SciVal account
  • SciVal User Manual

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