Research Guides

Research Guides each of which is designed to help you find the most useful resources relevant to your department. It contains useful information and details of recommended resources to support your studies

If you don’t know what to use or where to search to find necessary information for your research, try this guide.

How to Write a Paper? 논문은 어떻게 쓰지?

How to write a great paper? These are professional’s advices for your article.

연구 발표의 수단, 논문 (Article)! 어떻게 하면 논문을 잘 쓸 수 있을까요? 논문을 쓰는데 도움이 되는 자료들을 소개 해 드립니다.

The ACS Style Guide

The ACS Style Guide
: Effective Communication of Scientific Information
(Call number: QD8.5 A257 2006, e-Book link:

American Chemical Society (ACS, 미국화학회)에서 발행한 과학기술분야 연구자들 위한 글쓰기 가이드

<Table of Contents>

Scientific Communication Style Guidelines
  1. Ethics in Scientific Communication
  2. Scientific Papers
  3. The Editorial Process
  4. Writing Style and Word Usage
  5. Electronic Submission of Manuscript Using Web-Based Systems
  6. Peer Review
  7. Copyright Basics
  8. Markup Languages and the Datument
  1. Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
  2. Editorial Style
  3. Numbers, Mathematics, and Units of Measure
  4. Names and Numbers for Chemical Compounds
  5. Conventions in Chemistry
  6. References
  7. Figures
  8. Tables
  9. Chemical Structures
  10. Selected Bibliography

ACS Author University

Resources for Authors (by Royal Society of Chemistry)

  • Preparing & submitting your article
    • Writing and structure
    • Experimental data policy
    • The submission process
  • Formatting your article
    • Article templates
    • Language editing services
    • Proof Central
  • Maximise the impact & visibility of your research
    • Promotion support
    • ChemRxiv
    • Online IDs
    • Paper reprints service
  • Peer review information
    • The reviewing process
  • Licensing, copyright & permissions
    • Author rights and sharing

Wiley - Author Services

(Featured journals: Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, etc.)

Wiley Author Resources > Journal Authors

  • Find a Journal
    • Find the right journal for your research
    • Crosscheck OA funder mandate compliance
  • Prepare
    • Let us help you prepare your article (author guidelines for all journals plus publishing ethics guidance)
    • Request English language and editing support
  • Submission & Peer Review
    • Registering with ORCID iD to get credit for your work
    • Submit your article and data quickly and easily online
    • Get clear peer review guidance
  • Licensing
    • Sign your relevant copyright license
    • Learn about self-archiving your work
  • Open Access
    • Choose and pay for open access publication
    • Check your options for funding open access publication
  • Publication
    • Track your article through production
    • Track every step of the process, from acceptance, proofing and corrections to publication online
  • Promote
    • See how Wiley promotes your work
    • Promote your own article

Elsevier - Research Academy

  • Research Preparation
    • Funding, Research data management, Research collaborations
  • Writing for Research
    • Fundamentals of manuscript preparation, Writing skills, Technical writing skills, Book writing
  • Publication Process
    • Fundamentals of publishing, Finding the right journal, Ethics, Open science, Publishing in the Chemical Science
  • Navigating Peer Review
    • Fundamentals of peer review, Becoming a peer reviewer, Going through peer review
  • Communicating Your Research
    • Social impact, Ensuring visibility

Citation Tool

Do you want to make a reference list easily? How about EndNote or Mendeley?

참고문헌을 쉽게 관리하고 작성할 수 있는 프로그램으로 EndNote와 Mendeley가 있습니다. 상세한 설명은 도서관 웹사이트를 참고하세요.


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Plagiarism Checker

To check the originality of your works or prevent potential plagiarism – “turn it in”

저작물 유사도 검사 프로그램 – turn it in 으로 표절을 예방해 보세요.

RESEARCH SUPPORTS > Plagiarism Checking (turn it in)

Korean    English