
2023 e-Resources@UNIST Library (2023 Journals & Databases List)

The UNIST Library provides access to a huge range of electronic resources (Journals, Databases, etc....

Temporary Closure of Library: Lunar New Year’s Holiday

The Library services will be temporarily closed during the holiday. Happy Holiday!   ○ Period:...

[New Subscription] Nature Journals including Nature Synthesis

1. Nature Synthesis Subject: Chemistry and Materials Science

New DVD Arrivals, January 2023

[Jan. 2023] DVD List

Notice for Expected Graduates

[당첨자 발표] STAR Library '최초의 연구를 찾아라' 퀴즈 이벤트

"최초의 연구를 찾아라" 당첨 결과를 알려드립니다. 참여해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.   퀴즈 정답 및 전체 당첨자 발표

Journal of Fluid Mechanics(JFM) Backfile is Now Available!

  The UNIST Library provides all Cambridge University Press(CUP) journals.  'Journal of Fluid M...

Language Learning Online Contents 'Hackers'

  ‘Hakers Online Contents’ includes various classes about learning foreign languages such as En...

Notice of Clicker and Seat Assignment Kiosk Not Available (12. 20.)

Clicker and seat assignment kiosk not available due to patch operation. Please use the seat without...

Change in Opening Hours for Winter Vacation

The UNIST Library will change the hours of operation for the winter vacation as follows;   Peri...

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