
SSULZOOM Book Discussion: #혐오_주의 & 선량한 차별주의자 (10.7 17:00~18:30)

Let’s discuss about the ‘#혐오_주의’ & '선량한 차별주의자'. Book discussion will be conducted online. Date:...

[Online Library Class] DBpia

If you want to participate in class, please click the below image. (※ This class will be in Korean.)...

DBpia Event (~10.10)

The DBPIA Event will be held by Nuri Media. DBPIA is a journal platform which includes about 1,400 j...

Free Service: Wiley Digital Textbook (~12.11)

Please try free access to the 6,000 titles of e-books published by Wiley. Trial Period: September 13...

Temporary Closure of Library: Chuseok Holidays & UNIST Foundation Day

The Library services will be temporarily closed during the holiday. We are sorry for the inconvenien...

New UNIST Theses & Dissertations : Aug. 2021

New theses & dissertations published in August 2021 by UNIST are now accessible for UNIST member...

[Online Library Class] JCR, Web of Science, EndNote

Clarivate Korea has prepared online sessions for UNIST members and other users worldwide. Please ref...

[Online Library Class] DBpia

If you want to participate in class, please click the below image. (※ This class will be in Korean.)...

[DBPIA] Supporting Submission Fees for Young Researchers (8.26~9.26)

DBPIA and Akaroot support submission fees for young researchers. For further information, please cli...

Library Classes VOD Open Event (9.1.~9.17.)

The Library is holding a 'Library Classes VOD Open Event'. Please participate in the online library...

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