
A Book Titled '이것은 변기가 아닙니다' by Prof. Jaeweon Cho

A book titled '이것은 변기가 아닙니다' by Prof. Jaewon Cho(Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering)...

ProQuest Quiz Event Prize Winners Announced

We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in the library event. Ple...

e-Newspapers & Magazines Reading Zone OPEN!

We opened "e-Magazine&Newspaper Reading Zone" at Library 1F magazine corner.   We quickly p...

[April 2021] New DVD Arrivals

[Apr. 2021] DVD List

DBpia '논문은 디비피아' Event (4.12~5.9)

The DBPIA Event will be held by Nuri Media. DBPIA is a journal platform which includes about 1,400 j...

Limited Library Opening Hours (April 13th-)

The Library’s opening hours will be temporarily limited due to the ‘Enhanced Social Distancing Rules...

Request for Cooperation: Keep Prevention Rules

The library will be temporarily open on the weekends for the mid-term exam period. The more people g...

Institute of Physics(IOP) Quiz Event (4.1~4.30)

Please solve the quizzes about 'IOPscience’.   IOPscience is an online service for journal cont...

KISS Crossword Puzzle Event (4.1~4.30)

Please solve the quizzes about scholarly database 'KISS'.   ■ Period: April 1, 2021 ~ April 30,...

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