
Library Services: Fall Semester

The Library announces operating plan for Fall 2021 semester as follows.


  1. Opening Hours
    1. 1) Period: From Aug. 30 until the situation changes (Updated – related notice)
    2. 2) Facilities and Opening Hours
        Opening Hours Individual Study Seats Group Study Rooms
      1F 9:00-22:00
      2F Weekdays 9:00-21:00
      (Closed on weekends and national holidays)
      66 seats are available Closed
      3F 40 seats are available
      4F Closed

      ※ To check seats availability: Library website → Seats Availability

  2. Borrowing & Returning
    1. 1) By Visiting: Use self check-out/in machines on the 1st and 3rd floors. (Updated – related notice)
        Opening Hours Note
      Borrowing Mon.-Fri. 9:00-21:00 Book shelves are open to users
      Returning Mon.-Sun. 9:00-22:00 Use the returning machine on the 1st floor

      ※ Borrowing & returning with the ‘Smart Library’ machine on the 1st floor is available from Monday to Sunday, 9AM-10PM.

    2. 2) Home Delivery Service for Undergraduate Students
      – Period:  Monday, Aug. 30 – Friday, Dec. 17
      – For whom: Enrolled undergraduate students in Korea without overdue fines and materials.

        Loan / Return Copying
      Available materials Loanable books Course Reserves
      Basic Science Books
      Terms of request Maximum 5 books One chapter per time & day
      Loan period 45 days (renewing is not available)
      To apply Fill out a request form and send it to the library (

      도서관 자료 이용 신청서(Library Application for Using Materials)

      Library Application for Using Materials(.docx)

      Delivery period Requested materials will be shipped within 2-3 days
      Fee Requesters pay on delivery
      ※ Library will pay on delivery only for recalled books using ePost.


      – We will send materials using post office parcel service, and you have to pay on delivery. Please request materials with discretion.
      – You will be denied to request after retransfer.
      – Please return recalled books within 15 days by ‘ePOST Pay on Delivery’. Library will apply overdue rule for them.
      – Sending e-mail attached scanned file is against the copyright law, so duplicate will be delivered.
    3. 3) Basic Science Books & Course Reserves
      – These items are temporarily available to check-out during this semester.

      Available materials Book’s location: ‘Basic Science Books’ or ‘Course Reserves’
      Period – Friday, Dec. 17
      Loan policy Check-out for 1 night 2 days. Overdue fines of 100 KRW per materials per day shall be applied.
      These items are available to check-out within your loan limits (e.g. Undergraduates: 5 books; Graduates: 10 books)
      To borrow Visit the library 3rd floor during the borrowing opening hours (Home delivery service in NOT available)


  3. Useful Services for Remote Access Users
    1. 2) Access the Library’s electronic resources remotely: Off-Campus Access

Guidelines For Using The Library Facilities:

  1. To enter the Library, you must take a temperature check and wear a mask.
  2. To use the PCs and/or the study seats, you must make a reservation in advanced through the ‘Clicker’ mobile app or via the seat assignment kiosk on the 1st Floor of the Library. Only use your assigned seat and strictly keep your distance from others.
  3. Eating or drinking(except water) in the Library is prohibited. Wear a mask in the Library at all times (unless you are drinking water).
  4. The Library will ask users who do not follow these guidelines to leave.


Library service plan by Social Distancing Levels (-Nov. 8, 2021)

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Opening Hours 9:00-24:00 9:00-21:00 9:00-18:00
(Only collection rooms)
Only weekdays, Closed on weekends and national holidays
Exam periods Open on weekends for 3 weeks Closed
Study spaces Seats on 2 & 3 floors are available (123 seats) Closed
Group study rooms Rooms on 4th floor are available Closed

※ The limited library service is subject to change.
※ Contact Info.: Library 3F Info-Desk (052-217-1417,,

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