
Library Home Delivery Service for Undergraduate Students in Korea (Apr. 6~Aug.16)

○ Period: April 6th (Mon.) ~ August 16th (Sun.)

○ Details

  Loan / Return Copying
Available Materials Loanable books Course Reserves &

Basic Science Books
Available Copy List 복사 대상 목록_기초전공도서 및 강의지정자료

Terms of request Without overdue fine & books
Maximum 5 books One chapter per time & day


Up to August 31st in case of no recall

(Return within 15 days when it is recalled)

How to Apply e-mail: (Attach ‘Library Application for Using Materials’ file)

도서관 자료 이용 신청서(.hwp)

Library Application for Using Materials(.docx)

Delivery Period Requested materials will be shipped within 2~3days
Fee Requesters pay on delivery.

(Library will pay on delivery only for recalled books using ePost.)


○ Notes

① We will send materials using post office parcel service, and you have to pay on delivery. Please request materials with discretion.

② You will be denied to request after retransfer.

③ Please return recalled books within 15 days by ‘ePOST Pay on Delivery’. Library will apply overdue rule for them.

④ Sending e-mail attached scanned file is against the copyright law, so duplicate will be delivered.

⑤ It is available to visit the library for loan and return.


※ Contact info.: Library Team (052-217-1417)

※ Address: 202-302(Library), 50, UNIST-gil, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan

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