
Winners Announced: 'Scholarly Publising' Webpage Open Event

We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in the library event.

Please see the below table for the list of winners.


  • For Winners: Mom’s Touch gift voucher will be sent to your UNIST e-mail on 7th July.
    If you didn’t receive the message with gift voucher, please contact the staff until 10th July. (Contact Info.:
  • Failure to receive a gift voucher may result in the automatic cancellation.
ID Name
3238* 장*준
2020502* TEN*** ***LEY
2019526* 최*경
3140* 임*웅
2012509* 박*용
2017532* NGUYEN *** ***NG
3246* 김*욱
2020516* 심*원
2017518* 이*석
2014510* 송*은
2018512* 심*정
2020518* 윤*은
2020516* 심*규
2014528* 이*희
2015500* 강*희
2019519* 이*은
2017507* 김*준
2017527* 최*학
2015505* 김*학
2018532* 윤*라
2017113* 백*산
2015535* 이*성
2020512* 박*욱
2017505* 김*학
2018512* 심*보
2020524* 전*진
2018529* 김*린
2019535* 박*현
2019541* 조*진
2017547* pandiar**** ****gavel
2020524* 정**샘
2019541* 조*지
2017546* Dhar**** ***sora
2020528* 홍*민
2015536* 장*산
2019509* 박*규
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