
Guide to Accessing Library Resources Off-Campus: Log in With Your Portal Account Directly!

The ‘Institutional Login’ by ID Federation is available for remote access of the Library’s electronic resources.


  • Available publishers and websites: American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications, IEEE Xplore, Nature, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Springer Link, Web of Science
  • Instructions:
    1. Access the website and choose login option: Institutional Login or Shibboleth Login.
    2. Search for and select UNIST: ‘UIsan National Institute of Science and Technology’ or ‘UNIST’ or ‘Korean Access Federation (KAFE)’.
    3. Enter your UNIST Portal account ID and password.
    4. Agree to provide your login data to the publishers/websites.
    5. Check your authentication and use materials (you can search for and access the fulltexts.).
  • ID Federation
    • Researchers can use their organizational credentials to access diverse online resources.
    • UNIST is a member of KAFE and provides secured login data to federated institutions. Therefore, UNIST members can log into collaborative websites without create new accounts.
    • More about KAFE:
  • For more information about Off-Campus Access go to: Library website > E-RESOURCES > Off-Campus Access

※ Contact Info.: Kwon, Yulee (Librarian, 052-217-1405,

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