
Library Special Lectures for Researchers and Graduates

The library will hold special lectures to improve researchers and graduates’ research outcomes. Plea...

2019-1 Library Classes Feedback Award

The library will hold ‘Library Classes Feedback Award’ to get feedback from UNIST members. Please jo...

Survey About Making Laptop/No-Laptop Zone in Library

Notice of 403 Error in Google Scholar

    The 403 error often occurs as follows when using citation export function in google sc...

[2019 April] New DVD Introduction - S.F.

[2019 Apr] S.F. DVDs

Language Learning App's Spring Event Prize Winners Announced

We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in our recent library eve...

BIC STAR Quiz Event Prize Winners Announced

We extend a big thank you to all students who took the time to participate in our recent library eve...

부산대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC) 이용 안내


The 2nd Library Cinema (4.23.): Will you be there?

2019 Library Cinema Schedule

2019 Library Event List

This is a list of annual events in the UNIST Library by month. Library looks forward for your attend...

1 50 51 52 53 54 56
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