
Change in Library Study Room Guidelines (Oct. 25-)

Unfortunately, there were many violations of the Library’s study room guidelines by exploiting the v...

Implementation of a Maximum Overdue fine: Notice of Revision ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of the Library’

Implementation of a Maximum Overdue fine: Notice of Revision ‘Guidelines on the Operation and Use of...

IEEE Authorship Seminar (10.31 Tue. 10:30-, 110-N101 )

■ Register: Link  

[Special Web Seminar] 논문 통계분석 특강(10.23-10.25)

■ How to Register: Link ※ Please understand that this seminar is held only in Korean. 

Quiz Event: JSTOR Archive Collection (~11.30)

■ JSTOR Quiz: Link  

UNIPLEX Event: UNIST Photography Club Phot:ON Exhibition (10.10-10.20)

      Phot:ON ※ We’re sorry for the inconve...

Library Satisfaction Survey Event Winners Announced

The Library extends a big thank you to all students who participated in the library satisfaction sur...

[Trial Service] EBSCOhost MEDLINE Ultimate(~12.5)

    ■ EBSCOhost MEDLINE Ultimate Link Title list   MEDLINE Ultimate offers users acce...

UNIPLEX Event: Clarinettist Wonwoo Chang's Cinema Talk Concert (10.24.(Tue) 19:00)

?We invite you to the Ghibli & Disney concert? ???There has never been a concert like this...???...

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