Research Guides

Research Guides each of which is designed to help you find the most useful resources relevant to your department. It contains useful information and details of recommended resources to support your studies

If you don’t know what to use or where to search to find necessary information for your research, try this guide.

Research Guide Introduction

This research guide covers academic resources for UEE students.

It helps you search and get useful academic information when you study and research.

  1. References: (e)Encyclopedia, (e)Handbooks, and other References
  2. Books: Featured (e)Books, Tips for browsing books, eBook packages & more
  3. Search Articles (Databases): Useful platforms for searching scholarly research articles
  4. Browse Journals: Featured Journals, Journal Websites, Evaluating Journals & more
  5. Theses & Dissertations: Useful platforms for searching theses, Reference tools
  6. Patents & Standards: Patents databases, Standards websites

About Environmental Science and Engineering

Environmental science

Environmental analysis and monitoring, forecast of weather and climate change, capture and storage of greenhouse gases

원격탐사와 측정분석장비를 이용한 환경오염의 입체적 감시, 수퍼컴퓨터 기반 기상 및 기후변화 예측, 온실가스 회수 등의 연구

Environmental engineering

Water treatment process using membrane technologies, biological and chemical processes, desalination

첨단 수처리 공학 기술을 목표로 분리막 기술, 해수담수화 기술, 고도산화처리, 생물학적 수처리/에너지 연구에 집중

— Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering
도시환경공학과 웹사이트

About Urban Infrastructure Engineering

Sustainable & Resilient Future City

  • Urban planning
  • Infrastructure design construction
  • Infrastructure maintenance
  • Construction material

Sustainable City meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation’s needs. Resilient City has capacities for absorbing and counter-measuring future shocks and disasters to its social, economic and infrastructural systems.

Sustainable City
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation’s needs.

Resilient City
has capacities for absorbing and counter-measuring future shocks and disasters to its social, economical and infrastructural systems.

도시건설공학 트랙은 지속가능하며 재난에 안전한 도시건설을 위해,
교량, 도로, 원자력발전소, 건축구조물 등의 주요 도시기반시설물의
설계, 건설, 유지관리 및 도시계획, 설계에 관한 문제를 중점적으로 다룹니다.

이를 위해, 도시계획, 구조설계 및 역학, 건설재료와 관련된 기초/응용 교과목을 제공하고 있으며,
현대 도시의 문제를 도시계획 및 공학적 관점에서 포괄적으로 볼 수 있는 시각을 가진 인력양성을 목표로 합니다.

— School of Urban and Environmental Engineering
도시환경공학부 웹사이트

About Disaster Management Engineering

DME focuses on

  • Natural hazard monitoring/prediction
  • Sustainable and resilient infrastructure
  • Disaster risk reduction/prevention
  • Water resources and flood management

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