EndNote is a software package designed to help you to organize reference and create bibliographies. (The latest version: EndNote 21 – June 2023)
EndNote Installation Guide
noneEndNote Installation Guide_EngPDF (266KB) noneEndNote 프로그램 설치 안내_Kor(201808)PDF (165KB)
EndNote Guide
noneEndNote 21 Guide_Kor (WindowsPDF (1.96MB) noneEndNote 21 Guide_Kor (macOS)PDF (1.94MB) noneEndNote 20 Guide_Kor_by UNISTPDF (2.68MB) noneEndNote 20 Guide_KorPDF (1.57MB) noneEndNote 20 사용법 교육_Kor(Nov 2020)PDF (2.71MB) noneEndNote X9 Guide_Kor(Oct 2018)PDF (2.71MB) noneLittle_EndNote_How-To_Book_EngPDF (10.1MB) noneEndNote Q & A_KorPDF (1.5MB)
EndNote Upgrade Information
noneEndNote 21 Information_EngPDF (926KB) noneEndNote 21 Information_KorPDF (587KB)
Prohibitions on Journal Use & Guide to Change the Preference of EndNote Program
noneProhibitions on Journal Use & Guide to Change the Preference of EndNote ProgramPDF (256KB)
none전자저널 이용 지침 및 EndNote 환경설정 안내_Kor(201808)PDF (249KB)
Mendeley is a free reference manager program designed to help you to organize PDFs and generate citations and bibliographies.
Mendeley Guide (by UNIST)
noneMendeley Guide_Kor (UNIST)PDF (2.2MB)
Mendeley Guide (by Elsevier Korea)
noneMendeley Manual_Kor_Apr 2018PDF (5.58MB)
Mendeley 동기화 오류 시 점검사항
noneMendeley 동기화 오류 시 점검사항PDF (6.5MB)
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